Art Wolfe
Art Wolfe was born in Seattle, Washington on September 13, He graduated with a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree from the University of Washington. Wolfe has done assignments for National Geographic and the U.S. Postal Service has used his photographs on two stamps. He is noted for his color photographs of wildlife and nature, and his advocacy of wildlife conservation. He was named Outstanding Nature Photographer of the Year by the North American Nature Photography Association. He is also an Honorary Fellow of the Royal Photographic Society and serves on the advisory boards for the Wildlife Conservation Society. His major influences are Ernst Haas and Eliot Porter. He grew up as an outdoor enthusiast and when he enrolled at the University of Washington, digital photography was just an elective.
Festival Wolfe used natural lighting for this photo which I prefer over artificial lighting but I think that the photo would be a little better if it was a bit brighter. It seems like the photo was taken to show culture and the whole crowd adds affect but my eyes are drawn to the men with the big yellow hats, they seem like the main focus.
Surreal Land I really like the natural lighting in this photo, the sun rising along the horizon line and the shadows in the far right really add a special affect. The main focus is the peaks or dunes, I really don’t know what they are but I like the way Wolfe captures nature and brings to mind that its really a beautiful thing.
Human Nature The natural lighting in this photo really emphasizes the texture of the human hand and the animal’s hand. The main focus is the human hand offering food for the animal and with Wolfe’s advocacy for animal conservation I think that he wants this photo to show the connection we should have with nature.
Camouflage The natural lighting compliments this photo greatly. Wolfe captured a moth blending into a pile of leaves and the texture almost makes it feel like you’re looking at this directly.
Light Impressions I love the natural lighting in this photo. I don’t know if Wolfe digitally enhanced or edited it but I love the full moon in the back and the way the water seems to be glowing. It almost seems unreal but it’s beautiful.
Sources well.html well.html