Nature Photographer Career Profile Niketa Rose Dominix Com-Tech Grade 12, PVEC Mr. McGrea
Job Description: To capture and produce images takes outdoors that display natural elements To capture and produce images takes outdoors that display natural elements
What Nature Photographers Photograph: Wildlife Wildlife Landscapes Landscapes Plants Plants Natural scenes Natural scenes Natural textures Natural textures
Responsibilities Of A Nature Photographer: To experiment with taking nature photos To experiment with taking nature photos To follow guidelines for structure, organization, and characteristics of the elements in the photo To follow guidelines for structure, organization, and characteristics of the elements in the photo To read books on nature photography To read books on nature photography Never harm the subject (ex: flowers, wildlife, etc.) Never harm the subject (ex: flowers, wildlife, etc.) To experiment with lens, lighting, various cameras, etc. To experiment with lens, lighting, various cameras, etc.
Training Needed To Be A Nature Photographer: If working for a company or publication, may need a college degree If working for a company or publication, may need a college degree If freelancing, may take course or workshops If freelancing, may take course or workshops Some work as assistants to photographers for training Some work as assistants to photographers for training Outdoor and basic survival skills Outdoor and basic survival skills
Pay Range Of A Nature Photographer: If self-employed and work on a freelance basis, salaries vary by year and individual If self-employed and work on a freelance basis, salaries vary by year and individual Average annual wage - $35,980/year or $17/hr in year 2010 Average annual wage - $35,980/year or $17/hr in year 2010
Businesses, Companies, Etc. That Might Require A Nature Photographer: Magazine or book companies Magazine or book companies Publishing companies Publishing companies Printing firms Printing firms Museums Museums Galleries Galleries Be a independent artist and self-publish Be a independent artist and self-publish
What Nature Photographer’s Photo Can Be Used For: Use as stock photography Use as stock photography Use for editorial work Use for editorial work Create exhibition projects Create exhibition projects Create prints Create prints Create posters Create posters Create calendars Create calendars Create cards Create cards
How To Make A Living From Nature Photography: Diversify photos between wildlife, landscapes, plants, etc. Diversify photos between wildlife, landscapes, plants, etc. Have photos used in a variety of ways, such as prints, posters, cards, calendars, etc. Have photos used in a variety of ways, such as prints, posters, cards, calendars, etc.
Techniques For Nature Photography: Techniques for wildlife, landscape, plants, etc. photography differ Techniques for wildlife, landscape, plants, etc. photography differ Different apertures are used Different apertures are used Different lens are used (ex: telephoto) Different lens are used (ex: telephoto) Some use blinds, camouflage, etc. Some use blinds, camouflage, etc. Some use tripods Some use tripods Sometimes depends on if subject is in motion, if background is to be blurred, if distance to subject is far or close Sometimes depends on if subject is in motion, if background is to be blurred, if distance to subject is far or close
Camera Equipment For Nature Photographers: There isn’t one that is better There isn’t one that is better Many choose cameras between 35mm to 8X10 plate cameras Many choose cameras between 35mm to 8X10 plate cameras Camera system – should have a good choice of lenses and accessories Camera system – should have a good choice of lenses and accessories Brands of cameras to use – most pros use Nikon cameras and most of the rest use Canon Brands of cameras to use – most pros use Nikon cameras and most of the rest use Canon
Camera Equipment For Nature Photographers: (continued) Good starting lens – a 28–70 or mm Good starting lens – a 28–70 or mm Most important accessory is the biggest, heaviest tripod Most important accessory is the biggest, heaviest tripod Best film – slowest speed film Best film – slowest speed film
Links: om/onbecominganapher.html om/onbecominganapher.html om/onbecominganapher.html om/onbecominganapher.html /photography/photo-tips/night-sky/ /photography/photo-tips/night-sky/ /photography/photo-tips/night-sky/ /photography/photo-tips/night-sky/ / rain / rain / rain / rain
Links: (continued) /photography/photo-tips/available-light- richard /photography/photo-tips/available-light- richard /photography/photo-tips/available-light- richard /photography/photo-tips/available-light- richard /cameras/full-frame-dslrs-for-landscape- master /cameras/full-frame-dslrs-for-landscape- master /cameras/full-frame-dslrs-for-landscape- master /cameras/full-frame-dslrs-for-landscape- master forum/008cq forum/008cq forum/008cq forum/008cq