12-CRS-0106 REVISED 8 FEB 2013 Ioannis Mousmoutis IEEE Region 8 Educational Activities Subcommittee IEEE Teacher In-Service Program Workshop May 9, rd Central European SYP Congress (Zagreb, Croatia) Understanding IEEE and IEEE’s Interest in Pre-University Education
12-CRS-0106 REVISED 8 FEB 2013 Our Organization – IEEE An international professional association dedicated to the theory and practice of electrical, electronics, communications and computer engineering –as well as computer science, the allied branches of engineering, and related arts and sciences Established 130 years ago Operating in 160+ countries Has approximately 430,000 members –The largest technical professional association in the world –$350M annual budget –Headquartered in New York City, NY, USA Employs professional staff 1
12-CRS-0106 REVISED 8 FEB 2013 IEEE’s Principal Activities Organizing the professional community –Based on geographic distribution and areas of interest Publishing technical and scientific literature on the State of the Art Organizing conferences on relevant technical and scientific matters 2
12-CRS-0106 REVISED 8 FEB 2013 IEEE’s Principal Activities Developing technical standards –Approximately 1,400 standards at present Developing educational activities for professionals and for the public –Including students and teachers in the pre- university system Improving the understanding of engineering, technology and computing by the public Recognizing the leaders of the profession –Awards and membership grades 3
12-CRS-0106 REVISED 8 FEB 2013 IEEE’s Organizational Chart IEEE Members IEEE Board of Directors IEEE Assembly Chaired by the President and CEO Publication Services and Products Technical Activities Educational Activities Member and Geographical Activities Standards Association IEEE USA Technical Societies Local Sections IEEE Major Boards 4
12-CRS-0106 REVISED 8 FEB 2013 Why is IEEE interested in pre-university engineering education? 5
12-CRS-0106 REVISED 8 FEB 2013 Why is IEEE interested in pre- university engineering education? In the most developed nations there is a noticeable decline in young people interested in Engineering, Computing and Technology –This is a concern for the future of these communities. This decline could have a negative impact on the standard of living It is in our stated and un-stated mission to tackle the problem head-on and produce positive results 6
12-CRS-0106 REVISED 8 FEB 2013 Why is IEEE interested in pre- university engineering education? The demands of the 21st century will require technological innovation to deliver advanced technologies in developed countries infrastructure solutions in developing countries In several countries, the level of mathematics and science literacy may be one indication of potential loss of future competitiveness There have been flat or declining engineering enrollments in most developed nations 7
12-CRS-0106 REVISED 8 FEB 2013 OECD Program OECD Directorate for Education devotes a major effort to the development and analysis of quantitative indicators for the review of education systems and performance Poland, Austria and other Central European Countries are Partner countries in the study PISA = Programme for International Student Assessment –Surveys of 15-year-olds in the principal industrialized countries. –Every three years, PISA compares outcomes on measures of reading literacy, mathematics and science 8
12-CRS-0106 REVISED 8 FEB *OECD Average: The arithmetic mean of the respective country estimates. Based on a total of 34 OECD and 31 Partner countries. Source: PISA 2012 Results: What Students Know and Can Do (Volume I) - © OECD 2013 A snapshot: average scores on science literacy scale, by country