Computer Hacking By: Caleb Herring Katie Edom
What is Computer Hacking Computer Hacking is defined as one who uses programming skills to access, legally or illegally, to a computer or file. The term for computer hacker can also mean one who is skilled in programming, but the actual definition is that from above. The term can also mean those who modify software or hardware to use outside the original purpose it was designed for.
Types of Computer Hackers White Hats – Break security for non-malicious purposes, usually to test a security system for themselves or a company. Black Hats – Breaks security for little reason other than malicious use and personal gain. (What we think of. ILLEGAL!!!!) Gray Hats – Those who lie between white and black. They could hack merely to notify the administrator of a whole in security and offer to fix it for a fee, or take that information and give it to a group of people.
Types continued Elite Hacker – Social status among Hackers. Newly discovered exploits circulate among these people. Include groups such as Masters of Deception Script Kiddie – an unskilled hacker who breaks into systems using automated tools written by others. Usually with little understanding of what theyre doing. Neophyte (noob) – Someone new to hacking who has little to no knowledge of the workings of hacking. Hacktivist – Those who use their skills for political activism
How do people computer Hack? There are many ways people can hack into a system, either using the “front door” or the “backdoor”. The “Front door” is used by the hacker getting a hold of the password for whatever they are after, and entering, disguised as you. The “backdoor” is a route left in a program for programmers to utilize to change things about the code.
Why do people Hack? Some are hired by companies to test their security systems to see how strong their defense is. (White Hats) Others want personal gain. Whether this includes stealing identity, money, etc. it does not matter to these people. (Black Hats) Others merely enjoy the challenge. It could be as simple as they have nothing better to do.
What can you do to protect yourself? In all practicality, on the Internet, if someone really REALLY wants your information, there is nothing you can really do to stop them. However, you can make it difficult by: Make sure your firewall is always on Install/update antivirus software Keep OS up to date Be careful what you download Turn off your computer.
Other Tips Use Passwords on everything Don’t back up sensitive Data online Don’t link accounts Security Questions Spread misinformation
Famous Groups of Hackers Anonymous (A more recent and famous one) Masters of Deception Lizard Squad (against Playstation and Xbox) Legion of Doom TeslaTeam
Recent Cases of Computer Hacking With the more famous group, Anonymous, many computer hackings have happened within the last decade. In 2010, Anonymous became aware of Aiplex Software, an Indian Software Company that contracted with film studios to launch DDoS attacks against websites offering such as The Pirate Bay. Thus launch an operation known as “Payback is a B****” Anonymous coordinated and launched a DDoS attack against Aiplex’s website that shut it down for a day.
Anonymous Operation Cont. Other Companies were targeted which include Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA) and the Motion Picture Association of America. (MPAA) in which their websites were also shut down. The group issued a press release stating: “Anonymous is tired of corporate interests controlling the internet and silencing the people’s rights to spread information, but more importantly, the right to SHARE with one another. The RIAA and the MPAA feign to aid the artists and their cause; yet they do no such thing. In their eyes is not hope, only dollar signs. Anonymous will not stand for this any longer.” Eventually, the number of targets increased and the united operation split, one group increasing the number of targets hit, including paypal. This led to be known as the Paypal 14, when 14 members were found and arrested, 13 pleading guilty.
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