Anti-Bullying Project Group Video Mrs. Whetstone AP Language December 2012
AGENDA Turn in Analysis Focus Write Introduce Anti-Bullying Project Bully
Focus Write List “categories” of bullying What type seems to happen most often? Why do you suppose? Have you witnessed bullying yourself? If you have/potentially do… will you address it? To whom, how?
Categories 1. Persistent Picking 2. Cyber bullying 3. Exclusion 4. Physical 5. Intimidation 6. Unanimous bullying messages (messages on locker, etc.)
Ms. Karen Klein Bus supervisor for twenty-three years in upstate New York
She deserves a Vacation…
Bully Bully (originally titled The Bully Project) is a 2011 documentary film about bullying in U.S. schools. Directed by Lee Hirsch, the film follows the lives of five students who face bullying on a daily basis. The documentary follows students from high schools in Georgia, Iowa, Texas, Mississippi and Oklahoma during the 2009–10 school year; it also follows the students' families. The film's particular focus is on the deaths of Tyler Long and Ty Smalley, victims of bullying who took their own lives. The film describes in great detail how the average American school kid cannot defend himself or herself against ridicule.U.S. schoolsLee Hirschbullying GeorgiaIowaTexasMississippiOklahoma ~Source: Wikipedia
Bully Trailer
AGENDA Guest Speaker! – Mrs. Gammans – Be Nice Campaign of Kent County Form groups
AGENDA Group Work – Video plan
Video Requirements Approximately minutes Appeal to pathos! – Make a change in the bully! Provide fitting situations, tone words, music, etc. Accurately pertain to rhetorical triangle
Categories 1. Persistent Picking 2. Cyber bullying 3. Exclusion 4. Physical 5. Intimidation 6. Unanimous bullying messages (messages on locker, etc.)
Rhetorical Triangle Speaker: The Victim Audience: The BullyPurpose: To change actions
Script Accurate: – Tone words – Appeal to pathos – Fitting to given category
Setting Consider: – Authentic (scene and actors) – Audio/music – Film shots
Roles Make believable! Purpose is to make a change, not entertain. Show seriousness of these situations.
AGENDA (Dec ) Group Work – Film – Edit Consider Rhetorical Triangle
AGENDA Presentations (Monday-Tuesday)
AGENDA Review Synthesis Essay Guidelines Review Model Papers and Scoring
AGENDA Synthesis Essay Summative Assessment
AGENDA Happy Holidays Hot Chocolate and Reading Day!