Introduction of the new theme Guess the riddle This is a house With one window in it Showing films Everyday, every minute
I knowI want to knowI have learnt
Unknown words: Entertainment- [entə`teinmənt]- көңіл көтеру Convenient- [kən`vi:njənt]- ыңғайлы, қолайлы Dominate – [domineit]- билеу, үстем болу, басым болу. Addicted [ æ diktid ]- тәуелді болу Violence [ vaiələns]-зорлық, қатыгездік Grown – up [ groun ap]- ересек Glue- [glu:]-көзін, айырмау, қарау Surrounding – [sə`raundiŋ]-орта, төңірек, маңай Splendid – [splendid]- тамаша Semi-darkness- [semi`da:knis]- жартылай қараңғы Prevent- [pri`vent]- болдырмау Communication – [kə`mju:nikeiζən]- қарым -қатынас Generation – [ dзenə`reiζn]- жас буын
1)Television is terrible bad for people’s eyes 2)Television is not harmful for children 3)Educational programs are not useful 4)Many people are becoming worries about violence on 5)TV and the effects this may have on young people 6)Now all our free time is regulated by the “magic box” 7)Too many TV channels make it easy to choose what to watch 8)Television is a wonderful invention
a)News 1. Football, boxing swimming b)Quiz- shows 2. Life in different countries c)Soap – operas 3. People try to win prizes by answering d)Travel-films 4. Animals, birds, fish, flowers e)Comedies 5. Information about what is happening in the world a)Sport 6. Jokes and funny situations b)Educational programs 7. Information for pupils and students c)Nature films 8. Story of the daily life of a family Exercise 3 Match each type of the programs on the left with the correct item on the right