Could We Live There? Venus By Miss Hicks
Distance from the Sun This planet is 0.72 AU from the Sun. That’s about 67,237,912 miles!
Climate/Weather The climate on this planet is very hot! The average surface temperature of the planet is 860 F and t here are no changes in temperature (not even at night!). This planet’s weather is intense! The atmosphere is covered in clouds made up of sulfuric acid and the wind blows with speeds reaching over 100 meters per second.
Planet’s Surface This planet’s surface is covered by craters and volcanoes. Much of the surface appears to have been shaped by volcanic activity.
Planet’s Atmosphere This planet’s atmosphere is made up of the following gases: 96% carbon dioxide and 4% nitrogen.
Does water exist on this planet? In what form? On this planet, water does not exist in any forms! It is too hot!
Could this planet support life? 1.The atmosphere would be poisonous to living things. 2.The climate temperature is too hot for anything to survive. 3.Without water, plants cannot grow and other living creatures have no source of hydration. NO!