1 “ It has been argued that leaders are not evaluated based on the number of followers they lead, but instead on the number of new leaders they develop. ” Margaret J. Wheatley Leadership and the New Science. Evaluating Leaders
2 Session Objectives Concept of mentoring Benefits to the protégé, the mentor, and the association Characteristics of effective mentors Characteristics of effective protégés Effective mentoring tools and techniques
3 Definition Of Mentor A mentor is a trusted counselor and guide.
4 Definition Of Protégé A protégé is one who seeks to learn and grow with the guidance of a more experienced or knowledgeable person.
5 Myths About Mentoring Mentoring is face-to- face Mentoring is always long- term Mentors should be older Mentoring is rare Mentors do not benefit
6 Effective Partnerships Dedication & EnthusiasmMutual Respect Trust Relationship BuildingSelf-Assessment Time
7 Session Objectives Concept of mentoring Benefits to the protégé, the mentor, and the association Characteristics of effective mentors Characteristics of effective protégés Effective mentoring tools and techniques
8 True Success “All of the certificates of recognition we receive in life will fade. The monuments we build will crumble. The trophies will corrode. But what we do for others will make a lasting impact on our world. True success comes only when every generation continues to develop the next generation, teaching them the value and the method of developing the next group of leaders.” John C. Maxwell Developing the Leader Within You