Principles of Electrical Stimulation
Current Types Direct Current Alternating Current Pulsed Current
Direct Current Description: One-directional flow of electrons Constant positive and negative poles Use: Iontophoresis Low-voltage stimulation
Alternating Current Description: Bidirectional flow of electrons No true positive and negative poles Use: Interferential stimulation Premodulated currents
Pulsed Currents MONOPHASIC CURRENT Description: One-directional flow marked by periods of non- current flow Electrons stay on one side of the baseline or the other Use: High voltage pulsed stimulation BIPHASIC CURRENT Description: Bidirectional flow of electrons marked by periods of non-current flow Electrons flow on both sides of the baseline (positive and negative) Use: Neuromuscular electrical stimulation Three types of biphasic currents
Biphasic Current Types Symmetrical Mirror images on each side of the baseline No net positive or negative charges under the electrodes Balanced Asymmetrical The shape of the pulse allows for anodal (positive) or cathodal (negative) effects No net positive or negative charge Unbalanced Asymmetrical Positive or negative effects The imbalance in positive and negative charges results in a net change over time. Can cause skin irritation if used for long durations
Pulse Attributes
Time-dependent Attributes Pulse duration Phase duration Interpulse interval Intrapulse interval Pulse period Pulse frequency Pulse trains (bursts) Note: These attributes do not apply to direct and alternating currents
Pulse Duration The time (horizontal distance) from when the pulse rises to the baseline to the point where it terminates on the baseline. [instructor note: click to start animation] Monophasic PulseBiphasic Pulse
Phase Duration Phases are individual portions of the pulse that appear on one side of the baseline For monophasic currents, pulse duration and phase duration are synonymous (only 1 phase). Biphasic pulses have two phase durations The phase duration determines which nerve type is affected. [instructor note: click to start animation] 1 1 Monophasic PulseBiphasic Pulse 2
Interpulse Interval The time between the end of one pulse and the start of the next pulse Allows for mechanical changes in the tissues, such as when eliciting muscle contractions Increasing the pulse frequency decreases the interpulse interval and vice-versa [instructor note: click to start animation] Two Monophasic PulsesTwo Biphasic Pulses
Intrapulse Interval Intrapulse intervals are brief interruptions of current flow. Are always shorter than the interpulse interval. They allow for physiologic adaptations to the current and/or to decrease the total charge delivered by the pulse. Are normally not adjustable on the unit. Intrapulse intervals can also apply to monophasic currents. [instructor note: click to start animation] Biphasic Pulse
Pulse Period The pulse period is the amount of time from the start of one pulse to the start of the next pulse. Includes the phase durations, intrapulse interval,and interpulse interval. Inversely proportional to pulse frequency. As the pulse frequency increases, the pulse period decreases and vice-versa. [instructor note: click to start animation] Two Monophasic PulsesTwo Biphasic Pulses
Pulse Frequency The number of times a pulse occurs per second With alternating currents this measure is described as cycles per second
Pulse Trains (Bursts) Trains contain individual pulses Pulses in the train still have time-dependent characteristics: pulse duration, interpulse interval, etc. Each train is separated by “off” times – the intertrain (or interburst) interval
Generator Attributes
Current Density The amount of current per unit of area The higher the current density, the more intense the effects 10 in V 30 V/in 2 5 in V 60 V/in 2
Duty Cycle The amount (percentage of time) that the current is flowing relative to the time it is not flowing Duty cycle = “ON”/(“ON + OFF”) * 100 Example: Current is on for 20 seconds and is off for 40 seconds DC = 20/(20+40)*100 DC = 20/60 * 100 DC = 33.3%
Pulse Ramp Used with a duty cycle Gradually increases the current Produces a more natural contraction More comfortable
Electrical Currents
Measures of Electrical Current Charge: Microcoulomb, the charge delivered per pulse Voltage: The potential for electrical flow to occur. The difference in charges between the positive (anode) and negative (cathode) poles Current: Amperage: The rate of electron flow Wattage: Measure of the ability to perform work Calculated as W = Amperage * Voltage Resistance: Those structures (electrodes, wires, tissues) that do not transmit electrical energy
Average Current The amount of charge delivered by one-half of a pulse or a cycle Considers the amount of time required to deliver the charge
Circuit Types Series Circuit Electrons only have one path to flow Parallel Circuit Electrons have multiple paths to travel The less the resistance within the path, the more flow that occurs In the body, different tissues have different resistances Nerves have relatively little resistance Bone has high resistance