... of Second Grade
WELCOME Tonight’s Agenda 1. Teacher Introductions 2. A look at our day… 3. A look at skills agendas, test information, behavior plan, etc. 4. Graded papers/Grading System 5. DIBELS 6. Communication (Husky Pad, parent letters) 7. Technology 8. Questions/comments
Our Schedule 8:00-8:30 Morning Work 8:30-9:05 Specials (A, C, E, G days) or Math Intervention (B, D, F, H days ) 9:05-9:40 P.E. 9:45-11:15 Block 1 (Johnson in Johnson; Bruno in Bruno) 11:15-11:30 Read Aloud 11:30-12:00 Lunch 12:00-12:30 Reading Intervention 12:30-12:50 Recess 1:00-2:30 Block 2 (Johnson in Bruno; Bruno in Johnson) 2:30-2:55 Sign Husky Pads, Snack, Pack Up, Blog EARLY MONDAYS: Our blocks are shortened because we dismiss at 2:00.
Reading/Grammar/Phonics During this time of day the students are reading, working on grammar, phonics, comprehension, and other reading related skills. They are either reading independently from his/her just right books, his/her library books, his/her basal, or his/her assigned book club book. If they aren’t reading independently, then they are meeting as a group with myself or working independently or in a small group. During this time, we work on grammar, phonics, vocabulary, comprehension, and other related skills. Friday…, Monday…, Tuesday…, Wednesday…, Thursday… each day is a little different
Writing Workshop Reflection from conferencesMini-lessons for tomorrow Students go to write independently/ conferences In writer’s notebooks“I Like to be Little” posters Reading a story and/or teaching a mini-lesson “I Like to be Little” by Cynthia RylantIdeas
What does it look like?
MATH Math offers a variety of opportunities. We do whole group, small group, partners, and individual work during math. We are using a variety of materials: Singapore math, Marilyn Burns math, our math texts, centers, games, manipulatives, etc. Math fluency information
1+1=10-5=0+0=12-6=0+0=6-3=1+1=6-3= 0+0=20-10=3+3=10-5=9+9=8-4=4+4=8-4= 3+3=18-9=4+4=18-9=4+4=14-7=7+7=20-10= 4+4=16-8=7+7=14-7=8+8=16-8=9+9=18-9= 7+7=2-1=9+9=4-2=6+6=20-10=7+7=16-8= 9+9=4-2=7+7=12-6=2+2=6-3=9+9=2-1= 4+4=12-6=9+9=6-3=5+5=8-4=4+4=4-2= 8+8=6-3=4+4=8-4=10+10=4-2=5+5=12-6= 6+6=8-4=5+5=20-10=7+7=2-1=8+8=16-8= 2+2=14-7=8+8=18-9=9+9=12-6=6+6=20-10= 5+5=16-8=6+6=16-8=9+9=10-5=2+2=6-3= 10+10=20-10=2+2=2-1=4+4=18-9=5+5=8-4= 7+7=6-3=5+5=4-2=8+8=14-7=10+10=16-8= 9+9=8-4=10+10=12-6=6+6=6-3=7+7=20-10= 4+4=4-2=7+7=16-8=9+9=8-4=9+9=6-3= 5+5=2-1=9+9=20-10=4+4=14-7=4+4=8-4= 3+3=12-6=4+4=6-3=5+5=20-10=5+5=2-1= 6+6=10-5=5+5=8-4=8+8=18-9=3+3=4-2= 9+9=18-9=3+3=16-8=6+6=16-8=6+6=12-6= 10+10=14-7=6+6=20-10=2+2=12-6=4+4=16-8= M= T= W= Th= Time: Fact Fluency Folder
Name: Jennifer__ Scores of: 0-11 = = = = 4 AdditionSubtraction Written Quiz 15 /20 12 /20 Math Magician 17 /20 NA /20 How do I know the week’s fluency scores?
What does it look like?
Science and Social Studies
Skills Agendas /Tests / Homework Skills agendas are a vital part of our communication. Please read it when they’re ed. You can also find them uploaded to our websites. Trimester skills agendas on our websites Homework Our homework stays basically the same each week. M-Fluency/Spelling, T-Reading, W-Social Science, Th-Math Any questions/comments... TESTS: Math (timed tests-Mon.), Reading (Wed.), Spelling(Fri.), others (as needed)
Homework Accountability
Behavior Plan Good behavior is complimented daily and frequently rewarded in a variety of ways Misbehavior is handled as follows: One warning is given Strike 1-Sign OOPS book; miss 5 minutes of recess Strike 2-Sign OOPS book; miss 10 minutes of recess and call parent Strike 3-Sign OOPS book; miss all of recess; fill out behavior plan sheet Extreme behavior overrides the strike system and may require intervention with a principal
Report Cards: Trimesters again this year Grades: 1-Insufficient Progress 2-Limited progress toward end-of-year standards 3-Progressing toward end-of-year standards 4-Meets or exceeds end-of-year standards Work accountability sheets
How are your students assessed? All grades are standards-based. We measure through: Informal assessments Formal assessments Portfolios Running records Checklists
What am I seeing? When will I see them? What do I do with them? **Weekly parent communication tool (progress report)
DIBELS State DIBELS Paine Primary Fall DIBELS: 40 WPM End of the year/2 nd grade: 90 This is the 40 th percentile. September: 51 WPM November: 71 WPM January: 79 WPM March: 99 WPM May: 117 WPM This is the 75 th percentile.
COMMUNICATION Phone number : (personal telephone #s) Check out the web page Parent Letter Husky Pads The weekly skills agenda tells you everything you need to know. Please read it!
Technology in the classroom (and at home)… Raz-Kids Think Central (Harcourt) Spelling City Tumblebooks Storyline Online IXL- Math Mathletics Math Magician Math Fact Cafe Stickers inside front cover of Husky Pad
More technology resources: Class Websites (links to so many resources), Paine Primary site, Principal’s page, Lunch menu Class Blog Skype Ustream Shutterfly Digital Cameras Socrative.com (bring devices?) iPads Remind 101 Class Dojo
2nd Grade Child Find According to the Alabama Department of Education Administrative Code, “all second- grade students will be observed as potential gifted referrals using a gifted behavior checklist provided by the State Department of Education.” The purpose of this requirement is to ensure that students from all populations and socio-economic groups, as well as students with disabilities and students who are limited- English proficient are given the opportunity to be considered for gifted services.