Hitler gets out of prison in 1925- more popularity because of trial and his new book, Mein Kampf Reorganized the Nazi Party – Organized the SA (former.


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Presentation transcript:

Hitler gets out of prison in more popularity because of trial and his new book, Mein Kampf Reorganized the Nazi Party – Organized the SA (former soldiers who used violence in Nazi Germany) and the SS (Hitler’s personal bodyguards that were extremely loyal to him) – Created the Hitler Youth, encouraged young people to join the Nazi party – Put Josef Goebbels in charge of propaganda – Gained support of wealthy businessmen THE NAZI PARTY

Still couldn’t get elected to the government though because of the success of Stresemann – Economic and cultural improvements – Dawes and Young plans (helped Germany’s economy) – Locarno Treaty (allowed Germany a seat at the LoN, acceptance of the ToV) Stock Market Crash and the Great Depression – U.S. “called in” it’s loans given to Germany – Germany fell back into depression; high unemployment, people dying of starvation – Germans looked for someone to blame and extreme solutions to their problems…Hitler was that man THE NAZI PARTY

1933- Nazi’s didn’t get enough votes to be the majority in the German government…but Hitler was still very popular Hindenburg selects Hitler to be Chancellor of Germany – Wanted Hitler to work close with him so he could “control” him – This means Hitler is head of the government THE NAZI PARTY

February 27 th, 1933 – The Reichstag building in Germany is set on fire – Marinus Van der Lubbe, a communist, is found at the scene and confesses to the crime THE REICHSTAG FIRE, 1933

Hitler uses the fire as an excuse to go after the Communists in the government SA rounds up over 4000 known Communists and puts them in prison Within a month Hitler is able to pass the Enabling Act…which makes him legally the dictator of Germany Many people believe that the Nazi’s planned the Reichstag fire as a way to take power in the Reichstag. Others believe that Hitler just took advantage when the opportunity came up THE REICHSTAG FIRE, 1933