Instructional Technology, SBBC Wireless Cart Strategies Effective Management
Instructional Technology, SBBC Receiving and Configuring Carts are are preconfigured and imaged by the vendor. Maintain a copy of the original image for future uses on external device or Xserve Use tie-wraps to keep power cords & Cat 5 cables in place. Keep a spare laptop (if available) on hand for checkout if/when one of the laptops are out for repair.
Instructional Technology, SBBC Wireless Cart Peripherals Consider including each of the following items with your cart: LCD Projector Printer - Can be networked by attaching Apple airport device Can attach directly to a network port Connect via a wireless to Ethernet Adapter Digital camera External hard drive. Presentation clicker. Extra power strips Keep additional resources on the cart: activities, student sign-out (acceptable use) sheets, passwords, etc. Post a photograph of the cart with wires correctly placed and request that teachers return it the way that they received it. Consider spare laptop batteries
Instructional Technology, SBBC Cart Check-Out Procedures Offer a cart orientation before checking it out. Bar Code the carts and peripherals. Create and use a group CAB calendar for scheduling the carts. Leave Fridays open for last-minute bookings (this will allow teachers that weren’t able to schedule previously). Allow for cart-sharing among 2 or more teachers. Consider offering 1/2 day and whole day checkout. Create a “tech-squad” that can wheel the carts from one room to another (middle and high schools). Consider storing the cart in a teacher’s room overnight, if no one check’s it out the teacher can use it. Be Flexible!
Instructional Technology, SBBC Student and Teacher Uses Have students sign an Acceptable Use form. Each student is assigned a laptop number, laptops are checked by teacher before being put back. Have the teacher test each laptop before handing it out. Provide teachers with a list of available applications and suggested uses. Offer wireless cart training for teachers during planning periods. Use the cart for staff meetings and to parent nights to gain exposure. Have a “best-practices” notebook available on the cart for teachers to suggest activities.
Instructional Technology, SBBC Saving Student Work Have students save work to network (otherwise work will be lost). Create class or period login’s to network folders. Use thumb-drive’s or external hard drive to store student work as backup option. Ask your school administrator to add thumb-drives to the “suggested student supply list”. As a last resort allow burning files to CD.
Instructional Technology, SBBC Security and Maintenance Require student login on Apple computers. Use Deepfreeze on Windows computers. Utilize management software (i.e. ARD) for remote troubleshooting. Create and deploy new images when making significant changes. Have 1 or 2 replacement laptops available for computers that are sent out for repair. Store cart in well ventilated area. Consider scheduling 1 day a month for maintenance