Developing a Strategy: Managing the process Neil Fantom Development Data Group.


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Presentation transcript:

Developing a Strategy: Managing the process Neil Fantom Development Data Group

Assessing Statistical Capacity and Improving Data Quality for Development Session 3 Slide 2 Summary What is a statistical strategic plan? How plans are developed? Processes What to look for Examples: Malawi and Zambia

Part 1: What is a strategic plan for statistics

Assessing Statistical Capacity and Improving Data Quality for Development Session 3 Slide 4 Why (user view)? Mechanism for change Understand work programme and outputs Improve institutional performance Better quality national statistics Define accountability

Assessing Statistical Capacity and Improving Data Quality for Development Session 3 Slide 5 Why (producer view)? Solicit funding Control statistical work programme Better coordinate national statistics Promote independence and integrity Produce better and more relevant statistics?

Assessing Statistical Capacity and Improving Data Quality for Development Session 3 Slide 6 Structure of statistical systems National Statistical Agency Work Plans, budgets Ministries, other producers Government (and donors, other users) Work Plans, budgets

Assessing Statistical Capacity and Improving Data Quality for Development Session 3 Slide 7 Differentiated approach? Statistics agency/office Long term “ business ” plan Short term work plans Statistical system Frameworks (regulatory, codes of practice) Methods Coordination mechanisms Products

Part 2: Developing a plan

Assessing Statistical Capacity and Improving Data Quality for Development Session 3 Slide 9 Strategic planning cycle Assessment Vision Mission Strategic objectives Activities, outputs, indicators Implementation, monitoring Evaluation

Assessing Statistical Capacity and Improving Data Quality for Development Session 3 Slide 10 Objectives Specific Measurable Achievable Relevant Time bound

Assessing Statistical Capacity and Improving Data Quality for Development Session 3 Slide 11 Processes: managing change Participation is critical: need to ensure ownership and relevance Baseline: review existing strategies, reports Assess and prioritize user needs (demand led) Utilize PRSP process, link to external processes Stakeholder consultations

Assessing Statistical Capacity and Improving Data Quality for Development Session 3 Slide 12 Institutions Various ID tools: SWOT Performance management (objective based management) Statistical Capacity Building Indicators Skills audit etc.

Assessing Statistical Capacity and Improving Data Quality for Development Session 3 Slide 13 Typical plan content Current assessment Vision and mission Core values Strategic and operational objectives Capacity building programme, including infrastructure, IT Statistical programme Implementation mechanisms e.g. annual work plans

Assessing Statistical Capacity and Improving Data Quality for Development Session 3 Slide 14 Some include: Costed work programme May be delegated to annual or medium term plans National Statistical System Legal framework Linkages to other stakeholders, including incentives

Assessing Statistical Capacity and Improving Data Quality for Development Session 3 Slide 15 Look for… Assessment of needs – based on demand “ Quick wins ” – meeting immediate needs e.g. Analysis of existing data Dissemination of existing data (web, databanks) Catalogue of existing outputs Difficult areas: Prioritization and steering of activities and inputs Realistic assessment of likely resources Resource pooling Management of incentives Consultation with all stakeholders

Assessing Statistical Capacity and Improving Data Quality for Development Session 3 Slide 16 Implementation Accountability arrangements Performance management Statistical councils, boards Agency status, semi-autonomy Work plans and annual reports Incentives Budgets and money Pooled resources

Assessing Statistical Capacity and Improving Data Quality for Development Session 3 Slide 17 Managing the process Usual prerequisite Commitment to change Change “ agent ” Use of external support Consultants But part of a team: composition is important

Part 3: Examples

Assessing Statistical Capacity and Improving Data Quality for Development Session 3 Slide 19 Example 1: Malawi First Strategic Plan Restricted to NSO Based on needs assessment Good ownership, but lacked commitment Not linked with government processes (e.g. budget and MTEF, civil service reform) But supported by donors: some progress made

Assessing Statistical Capacity and Improving Data Quality for Development Session 3 Slide 20 Progress made Better dissemination (web based, news “ flashes ”, database) Household Survey Programme developed (HIS, CWIQ, DHS) Better Human Resource management: Training programmes initiated at all levels Improved recruitment

Consumer Price Index: February, 2003 The year on year national inflation rate has registered a slight decrease from 10.7 % in January 2003 to 10.5 % in February This rate can be decomposed into 11.5 % for urban areas and 10.1 % for rural areas. The month-on-month (January – February) Food Costs Index has experienced an overall decrease of 3.4 % compared to the same period, which was 3.7 %. The decrease has occurred as a result of the continued decline of the prices of Cereals and Cereal products mainly maize grain and maize flour. The Housing Index has also gone down by 1.4 % compared to 3.5 % recorded at the same period last year. The price increases recorded for the other commodity groups have varied widely with a high of 5.5 % for the Transport Category and a low of 0.6 % for the Household Operation Category. The high increase recorded for the Transport Category has arisen mainly due to recent increases in the price of fuel, notably petrol and diesel. However, the increase has not been large enough to offset the decreases experienced in the Food Costs Category. See also: Price indicesPrice indices

Assessing Statistical Capacity and Improving Data Quality for Development Session 3 Slide 22 Malawi… Second strategic plan Similar features to first plan Different arrangements for implementation: Semi-autonomy Annual work plans and reports Linked with MPRSP and civil service reform process Identified development of National Statistics “ Master Plan ” as key activity

Assessing Statistical Capacity and Improving Data Quality for Development Session 3 Slide 23 Example 2. Zambia Covers Led by consultant Based on assessment of user needs Linked with PRSP process Used workshops with stakeholders and staff Improvements of NSS designed around CSO as main body Costed capacity building and work programmes included

Assessing Statistical Capacity and Improving Data Quality for Development Session 3 Slide 24 Strategic themes Malawi 1. Produce better quality statistics 2. Enhance the service provided to users 3. Develop a system of National Statistics 4. Realize staff potential 5. Improve organization and management 6. Improve financial planning and control Zambia 1. Improve public awareness of statistics 2. Develop and promote effective National Statistical System 3. Enhance quality of statistical products and services 4. Harness IT 5. Develop human capacity and organizational effectiveness

Assessing Statistical Capacity and Improving Data Quality for Development Session 3 Slide 25 Governance & management Malawi Semi-autonomous New Act Management Board Zambia Autonomous New Act Statistical Policy Board

Assessing Statistical Capacity and Improving Data Quality for Development Session 3 Slide 26 Approach to National Statistics Malawi Activities of other Ministries not included But want to: Define mandate of NSO Improve National Statistics Committee Inventory Open NSO training programme to other Ministries Publish Framework Develop standards Zambia Activities of other Ministries not included But want to: Strengthen mandate of CSO Build capacity of Ministries and users Develop framework for collaboration Promote standardization and best practice

Assessing Statistical Capacity and Improving Data Quality for Development Session 3 Slide 27 Monitoring Malawi Internal quarterly and annual reviews Annual meetings of National Statistics stakeholders Reports twice a year to the Cabinet Secretary Terminal external review by Office of President & Cabinet Zambia Quarterly and annual reports to the Minister Annual and Terminal External Review by MoF/Planning

PARIS21 task team: “ Strategic Statistical Development Plans ”