Eurasian Economic Commission July 2015 Geoffrey Greenwell El Iza Mohammedou
2 1.PARIS2: Overiew 2.PARIS21: Activities, Strategy, Vision, and Objectives 3.Activities of mutual interest 4.Discussion
3 PARIS 21
4 PARtnership In Statistics for Development in the 21 st Century The Partnership in Statistics for Development in the 21st Century (PARIS21) was founded in November 1999 by theUnited Nations, the European Commission, the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, theInternational Monetary Fund, and the World Bank, in response to the UN Economic and Social Council resolution on the goals of the UN Conference on Development.United NationsEuropean CommissionOrganisation for Economic Co-operation and DevelopmentInternational Monetary FundWorld Bank Partnership is the core of PARIS21 Цели развития тысячелетия Цели устойчивого развития
5 Understanding development finance Strengthening aid delivery Improving development policy Building partnerships for development
6 Funded through donor contribution Support both the production and use of statistics primarily through the process of developing National and Regional Strategies for the Development of Statistics (NSDS and RSDS)
7 Building Partnerships for Development Statistics Our partnership is development focused but broad: International, regional and country. Has two approaches: Policy and Data=>Integrated at the country by working with National Statistics Offices (NSO) Policy National Strategies for the Development od Statistics (NSDS) Process Promoting data use for policy information Advocacy for funding statistics Advocacy for transforming legal structures Data Planning and reporting Data acquisition Innovation
8 NSS=National Statistical System NSO=National Statistics Office NSDS=National Strategy for the Development of Statistics RSDS=Regional Strategy for the Development of Statistics (Work Plan) SDGs=Sustainable Development Goals M & E=Monitoring and Evaluation
9 MonitorTechnical AdvocacyKnowledge Sharing Peer Reviews Country Reports Evaluations Country Legal Reform Demand Side Funding Data Management Costing NSS M & E NSDS Process Think Region Legislative Innovation Inventory & Metabase NSDS Data Module NSDS
10 Country Existing strategy Next NSDS PRSP or Natl Dev Plan Status Name Time Span Status Time span Time span EASTERN EUROPE Armenia Implementation Three-year state statistical programme Being designed Bosnia and Herzegovina Strategy expired Statistical Plan of BiH for Planned Georgia Implementation National Strategy for the Development of Statistics Not yet planned Kosovo Implementation Programme of Official Statistics Not yet planned Moldova (Republic of) Implementation Strategy of national statistics development Not yet planned Ukraine Strategy expired Strategy of state statistics development Planned No Strategy Source: PARIS21 NSDS Progress Report, March 2014
11 Tracking the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Regional Strategy for the Development of Statistics (RSDS) Legal Reform Monitoring and Evaluation of statistical systems: peer to peer reviews Цели устойчивого развития
12 What is the current state of advance in terms of the SDGs indicator framework, governance and other initiatives? From MDGs to SDGs SDG Indicator Framework Governance
13 Universal agenda this time and with this increase in topics/goals OECD countries still believe this is a development agenda/will adapt Statistical community involved from the beginning
14 17 goals, 169 targets: Priority 1, 2 and 3 indicators depending on feasibility. Endorsement of final list at UNSC 2016 – iterative process Reporting processes not yet clear – level and frequency
15 Starting point: crowded field, co-ordination issues, but difficult to solve New institutions have been set up with no clear mandates and membership yet Challenge to deal with a rapid changing environment, in particular with private sector
16 RSDS A strategic regional plan on statistics prepared and agreed to by regional authorities and member countries Objectives: Framework for producing regional data Ensure comparability of statistics produced by NSSs across the region Harmonize statistics between member countries Outcomes: Coordinated national and regional statistical programmes (e.g., data collection activities) Harmonised conceptual frameworks and methods Strengthened national and regional statistical systems Regional institutions serving as statistical centre of excellence in the region Purpose: An efficient Regional Statistical System to respond to statistical needs of a regional development agenda
17 1 st stage Get commitment from regional and national authorities to strongly support to statistics at every stage of the process (design to implementation) 2 nd stage Establish the overall RSDS process, covering the entire regional statistical system (and its link with NSDS process) 3 rd stage Design a participatory approach led by a committee on statistics with mandate to carry out this work, in co-operation with the NSOs of member countries 4 th stage Organize RSDS activities: road map preparation, the assessment of regional statistics, strategic planning, preparation of regional action plan on statistics, and implementation 5 th stage Mid term and Final evaluation
19 SADC RSDS CENTROESTAD & SICA have embarked on a Regional Strategy for the Development of Statistics (RSDS) process since 2012 Strategic Plan for the Establishment of the ASEAN Community Statistical System (ACSS) Ten-Year Pacific Statistics Strategy
20 Oct. 5-6: Global Forum on Regional Statistical Development In Paris hosted by PARIS21 Share views and experiences and network with other regional organizations
21 Systematic national legal reviews Regional Charters for harmonizing laws
22 A Regional Statistical Charter should rest on six principles, namely: professional independence of statistical agencies quality of service of statistical agencies mandate for data collection and resources Dissemination of products (open data) protection of individual data information sources and respondents coordination and cooperation. For its successful implementation states parties are requested to comply with the principles enshrined in the Charter in order to reinforce their national statistical policies and systems and undertake to institute appropriate measures, especially legislative, regulatory and administrative to ensure that their laws and regulations are in conformity with a regional Charter. Are there plans for such a charter?
23 Peer to peer reviews between member countries Statistical Capacity Building & Measurement Eurostat Statistical Process Assessment Checklist World Bank IADB: Tools for Assessing Statistical Capacity (TASC)
24 Does EEC Work plan area V (50/51) have an interest in the SDGs and regional harmonization within member states? Does working on a framework for assessing statistical capacity in member states accounting for various measurement methodologies (TASC, Eurostat, Hybrid) fit into the work plan (VIII.1) Does an impartial review of statistical laws in the region fit into the work plan for VIII.2 Does the collaborating on the development of a regional charter in statistics to harmonize statistical laws fit into the work plan? RSDS (Regional) Workshop in Paris on Oct. 5-6 Would organizing member states through peer to peer review fall into the Work Plan Section II Coordination/Monitoring of member states? This could include definition of indicators to be evaluated in surch reviews.