Qualifications of Drivers
Purpose This presentation is intended to educate commercial motor carriers and their drivers on the FMCSA regulations on driver qualifications.
Exemptions There are certain exemptions to these guidelines. For a complete list, please visit:
Commercial Driver Requirements Be in good health and physically able to perform all duties of a driver Be at least 21 years of age Be able to drive vehicle safely
Commercial Driver Requirements Know how to safely load, block, brace and secure the cargo Have only one valid commercial driver’s license Provide an employing motor carrier with a list of all motor vehicle violations (See Part ).
Commercial Driver Requirements Pass a driver’s road test or equivalent Complete an application for employment Possess a valid medical certificate
Commercial Driver Requirements Speak and read English well enough to: Converse with the general public Understand traffic signs and signals Respond to official questions Be able to make legible entries on reports and records
Physical Requirements A person shall not drive a commercial motor vehicle unless he/she is physically qualified to do so. For a complete list of physical requirements, please visit:
Driver’s Responsibilities A driver shall not operate a commercial motor vehicle unless: They can determine whether the cargo being transported has been properly located, distributed and secured They are familiar with methods and procedures for securing cargo
Disqualification A driver who is disqualified shall not drive a commercial motor vehicle A motor carrier shall not require or permit a driver who is disqualified to drive a Commercial Motor Vehicle (CMV)
Disqualification A driver can be disqualified if convicted for: Driving a CMV while under the influence of alcohol Driving a CMV while under the influence of drugs or controlled substances Transporting or possessing a drug or controlled substance
Disqualification Leaving the scene of an accident that involves a CMV Using a CMV to commit a felony Using a CMV to violate an Out-of-Service Order Using a CMV to violate the railroad-highway grade crossing rule
Driver Qualification File Every motor carrier must have a file for each regularly employed driver that includes: Driver’s application for employment Inquiry to previous employers – 3 years Inquiry to state agencies – 3 years Inquiry to state agencies - annual
Driver Qualification File Annual review of driving record Annual driver’s certification of violations Driver’s road test certificate or equivalent Medical examiner’s certificate
Penalties A first offender is disqualified for one year following conviction or forfeiture (6 months for possession of a controlled substance) For a second offense within three years, a driver is disqualified for three years
In Conclusion Thank you for your time and attention!