Exercise: Parts of a Workout/FITT Principle
Exercise The 3 Parts of a Workout FITT Principle Intensity levels
Parts of a Workout Warm Up Activity Cool Down
Parts of a Workout Warm up- To prevent injury prior to a vigorous workout you should “warm up” your body with light to moderate exercises Examples? Cool down-The purpose of a “cool down” is to bring the heart-rate down to near-normal and to get the blood circulating freely back to the heart. Examples?
FITT Principle F – Frequency I – Intensity T – Time T – Type
FITT Principle Frequency : refers to how often a person exercises. Intensity : refers to how hard a person exercises. Time : refers to how long a person exercises. Type : refers to the kind of activity a person does.
Intensity Levels Moderate- Means you're working hard enough to raise your heart rate and break a sweat. One way to tell is that you'll be able to talk, but unable to do something accelerated like singing. Give me some examples of Moderate physical activity
Intensity Levels Vigorous – Means you're breathing hard and fast, and your heart rate has gone up quite a bit. If you're working at this level, you won't be able to say more than a few words without pausing for a breath. Give me some examples of vigorous physical activity
Output Activity Choose one of the following: Use a Thinking Map to explain the FITT Principle Sketch each component of the FITT Principle