Museum Entrance Welcome to the Lobby Room One Room Two Room Four Room Three The Great Pyramids at Giza Exhibit Visit the Curator
Name of Museum Curator Information Hello, my name is Brian Tokarczyk and I am your tour guide and I will be leading you through this great museum. I am 11 years old, my birthday in April 9, My favorite color is GREEN and my favorite food is Shrimp Tempura, Porte Rican Chicken with potatoes, and stan the man Shushi. I have a mom a dad and a sister. I was born in STL but my parents were born in Poland then they came to America to STL. I attend the school MICDS and used to go to QAS. My Favorite sport is Tennis. Back to Lobby
Name of Museum Room 1 Title Introduction Paragraph
Name of Museum Room 2 Title Body Paragraph
Name of Museum Room 3 Title Image 1 Image 2 Image 3
Name of Museum Room 4 Title Bibliography
Name of Museum Can you believe that pyramid builders only had two main tools to build pyramids most of the time, plus they had to cut and chisel out huge limestone rocks? Pyramid builders had chisels and hammers to chisel out rocks to build the pyramids and sometimes had saws to cut rocks. Did you also know that there were over four thousand workers and about two million blocks to build the pyramid? The Great Pyramids of Giza have seven rooms and has a lot of evidence of technology. The years that they built the pyramids was about from B.C.E., that is exactly one thousand years! The Great Pyramids of Giza are in Egypt, Africa or by modern day Cairo on the west bank of the Nile river. The Ancient Egyptians where an complex and advanced civilization by its technology used in the building of the pyramids. Introduction Back to Room 1
Name of Museum There are at least three different examples that show that Ancient Egyptian pyramid builders thrived in technology during the age of the pyramid building. The first example is Ancient Egyptian’s tools; they used chisels, hammers, saws, mallets, and wedges. The second example is Ancient Egypt’s sledges and ramps. The Ancient Egyptians could have had a couple ramp options they might have used but no one knows for sure which one yet, an example of one of the ramps is the spiral ramp which spirals up the pyramid gradually going up higher until it reaches the top. Ancient Egyptians used sledges to carry the limestone rock up, they rolled the sledges on wet logs. The third example is Ancient Egypt’s use of barges. Barges are large ships that the Ancient Egyptians used to float the rocks over or up the Nile river to the pyramid. So Ancient Egypt had a lot of evidence of using technology in the time frame of building the pyramids. Body Paragraph Back to Room 2
Name of Museum This picture is a picture of The Great Pyramids at Giza which has many examples of technology and is the main idea of this museum. The Great Pyramid at Giza, UNESCO World Heritage Site, near Cairo, Egypt, North Africa, Africa. Photography. Encyclopædia Britannica ImageQuest. Web. 21 May Image 1 Back to Room 3
Name of Museum This is a picture and man on his lama riding by the pyramids. The Great Pyramid at Giza, UNESCO World Heritage Site, near Cairo, Egypt, North Africa, Africa. Photography. Encyclopædia Britannica ImageQuest. Web. 21 May Image 2 Back to Room 3
Name of Museum This is a picture of the Ancient Egyptians working on the Pyramids at Giza using tools and sledges. Building the Pyramids. Fine Art. Encyclopædia Britannica ImageQuest. Web. 21 May Image 3 Back to Room 3
Name of Museum Works Cited Bennet, Albert. "The Great Pyramids at Giza." World Book. Vol. 15. Chicago: Scott Fetzer Company, Print. Berman, Lawrence. "Pyramids." The New Book of Knowledge. Vol. 15. Danbury: Scholastic, Print. Malam, John. 100 Facts Pyramids. Sandy Creek NYC: Sterling, Print. McNeese, Tim. The Pyramids of Giza. San Diego: Lucent, Print. Morley, Jacqueline. You Wouldn't Want to Be a Pyramid Builder. Danbury: Franklin Watts, Print. Bibliography Back to Room 4