Health & Medical Information From HCT Libraries & the Web.


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Presentation transcript:

Health & Medical Information From HCT Libraries & the Web

From the HCT portal, click on Library. Then, Databases and e-Books.

Click on Databases and eBooks Or, bookmark this page Click on resources, then Databases and e-Books


Let’s look at the features of these databases.

Full text of respected medical reference books Updates Drug Info Images DDX “Diagnosaurus” Guidelines Tests Patient Education Handouts News The first database is called Access Medicine

We also have McGraw Hill’s ACCESS Science Click on Medicine

Click on a category or enter a term in the search box.

C umulative I ndex of N ursing & A llied H ealth L iterature Nest, we have CINAHL which is an acronym.

560 full text journals Evidence-based care sheets Critical paths (care algorithms) Dissertation records And more... What is in CINAHL ?

Diseases & Conditions Drugs Dictionary Health Assessment And more... Next, we have Health & Wellness.

Authoritative information on medicine, nursing, dentistry, veterinary medicine, the health care system, pre-clinical sciences, and much more. Created by the National Library of Medicine USA. Citations from 4,800 current biomedical journals Links to EBSCO full text journal collections. We also have MEDLINE from EBSCO. This is the best medical database in the world.

Full text only Date range Publication title Peer review There are many options when searching EBSCO databases like MEDLINE & CINAHL.

SMART Imagebase Scientific & Medical Art Images

There are also many online full text medical books from non-health databases. Go to the Database and E-book page, and scroll down to E-books

Harrison’s Manual of Medicine Clinician’s Pocket Reference Essentials of Diagnosis & Treatment The Bellevue Guide to Outpatient Medicine Mental Health Desk Reference Nutrition Almanac ABC of the First Year Just the Facts Emergency Medicine The Arthritis Sourcebook ABC of the Upper Gastrointestinal Tract And more ….

Handbook of Women's Health : An Evidence-Based Approach Just the Facts in Pediatrics Cross-Cultural Caring : A Handbook for Health Professionals Acute Medical Emergencies : The Practical Approach Vital Diabetes : Your Essential Reference for Diabetes Management in Primary Care Questions and Answers for Physicians : A Medieval Arabic Study Manual by Abd Al-Azaiz Al-Sulami

Now, we will show you some websites from the Internet. These are not commercial websites. They are from government health agencies.

From the USA, there is Medline Plus. Information is written so regular people can understand it, not just doctors.

Vitamins Herbal medicines Acupuncture Massage Yoga Clinical Trials Evidence Also from the USA, there is the National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine.

Encyclopedia Common health questions Self help guide From the UK National Health Service

In both English and French, there is the Canadian Health Network

A-Z Topics Conditions Diseases Health & Wellbeing Etc From Australia, there is Health Insite.

No specific Consumer Health Information (on English Site) Here is the site from the UAE Ministry of Health

Poisons Toxicology Hazardous chemicals Environmental health From the USA, there is ToxNet.

Browse by first letter of generic or brand name drug, herb or supplement information.html For information about drugs or medicines, go to Drug Info from Medline Plus.

Lastly, there is the Project Starters Online. This is a collection of websites selected by HCT teachers. Go to Click on Health Sciences

Click on a Sub-topic.

Read the description of the website and decide if it might be useful for you.

1. Who runs the site ? 2. Who pays for the site? 3. What is the purpose of the site ? 4. Where does the info come from ? 5. What is the basis of the info ? 6. How is the info selected ? 7. How current is the info ? 8. How does the site choose the links to other sites? 9. What info about the users does the site collect ? 10. How does the site manage interactions with users ? It is very important to evaluate health information you find on the web. Here are some questions to ask yourself about websites.

webeval/webeval.html There is an online tutorial about evaluating health information on the Web.

Search by Keyword and Location Default “View Entire Collection ” What about actual books hardcopy ! ?

116 results from all HCT libraries. E-Books = Purple Hardcopies = Red Which library has it? Click the title. For example, Keyword : Diabetes

If your library does not have the book, click Request. Your library will receive the book in about 2 days. Check your .

We hope this helps you find health and medical information. Ask your friendly librarian if you have any questions.

Thank you for listening. HAPPY READING & GOOD HEALTH!