Principles of Human Services Journals 4 th Nine Weeks
Principles of HS: March 24, 2014 Objective: Describe characteristics of functional families. Assignment: Vocab pg. 184, 189, 195, (24 words) Functional/Dysfunctional Families Wksht Balancing Work and Family Wksht Family Crises Pyramid Wksht Warm Up: Is your family functional or dysfunctional? Why? Remember: End of NINE Weeks is 3/25 – My tutorials this week are Monday morning from 8:00 a.m. to 8:50 a.m. and Tuesday afternoon from 4:20 p.m. to 5:15 p.m.
Principles of HS: March 26, 2014 Objective: Describe characteristics of functional families. Assignment: Family Life Changes PP Notes Family Structure PP Notes Child Safety PP Notes Warm Up: How close are you to your family members?
Principles of HS: March 28, 2014 Objective: Describe characteristics of functional families. Assignment: Child Safety PP Notes Chapter 8 Vocab Pg 210, 217, Think About It! #1-5 Pg 224 Warm Up: How many members are in your family?
Principles of HS: April 1, 2014 Objective: Describe characteristics of functional families. Assignment: Chapter 8 Vocab Pg 210, Day Late Think About It! #1-5 Pg 224 – 1 Day Late Check It Out Page 232, 240, 247, 252, 256, 261, 266 Warm Up: What is formed when a sperm and ovum unite?
Principles of HS: April 3, 2014 Objective: Describe characteristics of functional families. Assignment: Chapter 8 Vocab Pg 210, Days Late Think About It! #1-5 Pg 224 – 2 Days Late Check It Out Page 232, 240, 247, 252, 256, 261, 266 Warm Up: Name one theorist.
Principles of HS: April 7, 2014 Objective: Describe characteristics of functional families. Assignment: Check It Out Page 232, 240, 247, 252, 256, 261, 266 Chapter 8 Packet Due Notes Children’s Book Assignment – Due April 17 th Warm Up: What age is a toddler?
Principles of HS: April 9, 2014 Objective: Describe characteristics of functional families. Assignment: Children’s Book Assignment – Due April 17 th Due Today – Written story, begin working on illustrations for story. Warm Up: What age is a preschooler?
Principles of HS: April 11, 2014 Objective: Describe characteristics of functional families. Assignment: Children’s Book Assignment – Due April 17 th Due Today – illustrations for story. Warm Up: What kind of book is best for a 1 year old?
Principles of HS: April 15, 2014 Objective: Describe characteristics of functional families. Assignment: Children’s Book Assignment – Due today Book Presentations – 4/17/14 Warm Up: What kind of book is best for a 3 year old?
Principles of HS: April 17, 2014 Objective: Describe characteristics of functional families. Assignment: 15 minutes to finish books Book Presentations Budget Notes Warm Up: What are your plans for Easter?
Principles of HS: April 22, 2014 Objective: Describe characteristics of functional families. Assignment: Finish Book Presentations 2 Days Late Budget Vocab Budget & Banking Notes Warm Up: What is a budget?
Budget Vocabulary BUDGET: a plan for managing income and expenses GROSS INCOME: the total amount of income earned before deductions are made. NET INCOME: amount of income left after deductions are taken. FIXED EXPENSES: expenses which usually do not vary in amount and must be paid on a regular basis (mortgage, car payments, etc.) VARIABLE EXPENSES: expenses which vary from week to week or month to month (clothing, food, etc.)
Principles of HS: April 24, 2014 Objective: Describe characteristics of functional families. Assignment: Finish Book Presentations 4 Days Late Finish Budget & Banking Notes Budget and Banking Worksheets Warm Up: Should you use a bank? Why or Why not?
Principles of HS: April 28, 2014 Objective: Describe characteristics of functional families. Employ technology to manage resources. Assignment: Budget and Banking Worksheets Due Review child development unit and banking info Test on Wednesday Warm Up: How do you get a loan?
Review Questions 1. Clothes can help children develop decision-making skills. 2. Children learn through play activities. 3. Since toddlers have much to learn, they have a long attention span. 4. As children grow older, they play less with other children. 5. Art materials help children express emotions. 6. Watching TV programs is a negative activity for preschoolers. 7. Children should master toilet training before they are two years old. 8. Self help features in children's clothing include _____. 9. Define the democratic parenting style.
10. The average newborn weighs ____ and measures _____. 11. Newborns first get nutrients from breast milk or formula because ______. 12. Toddler’s vocabularies develop to include _______. 13. Large muscle skills are developed as a child _____. 14. By answering simple questions, preschoolers develop ___. 15. What is the most common type of child care in the United States? 16. Define learning disability. 17. Define socio- dramatic play. 18. Define imitative-imaginative play. 19. Define physical disability. 20. Define emotional disability. 21. Explain six actions that parents can take to provide a safe home environment for children. 22. Give two suggestions caregivers can follow to help children overcome fears.
23. An annual, monthly, or weekly budget is a plan that aids in good money management. 24. Income recorded for a budget should include salary plus any possible overtime. 25. Fast food and restaurant meals tend to be the most costly item in a food budget. 26. A computer can be programed to remind people when bills are due. 27. Cashing a CD before maturity results in loss of interest. 28. What are the types of resources? 29. Define expendable resource. 30. A check that is written and not cashed before a bank statement is printed is called ____. 31. If an overdraft is written on a bank account, the check writer will usually be fined by ____. 32. As a minimum, how many month’s income should a person have saved for emergencies? 33. If a company fails, the investment of the stockholders will ____. 34. Identify and explain how to reduce three flexible expenses in a budget.
Principles of HS: April 30, 2014 Objective: Describe characteristics of functional families. Employ technology to manage resources. Assignment: Child Development and Banking Unit Test Review Home Project Introduce Nutrients Warm Up: Do you always sign a deposit slip?
Principles of HS: May 2, 2014 Objective: Explain the impact of nutrition on development, wellness and productivity. Assignment: Make Up Test / Read Ch 14 Page Introduce Nutrients Safety and Sanitation Notes Dining Out Notes Warm Up: Name the nutrients.
Principles of HS: May 6, 2014 Objective: Explain the impact of nutrition on development, wellness and productivity. Assignment: Read Ch 14 Page Finish Safety and Sanitation Notes Dining Out Notes Make Up Day Warm Up: List one safety precaution to use in the kitchen.
Principles of HS: May 8, 2014 Objective: Explain the impact of nutrition on development, wellness and productivity over the lifespan. Assignment: Test Corrections Dietary Needs at Different Stages Homework – Dietary Record Sheet Kitchen Fundamentals: Basic Techniques used in Food Preparation Video Warm Up: What do you use to measure liquids?
Principles of HS: May 12, 2014 Objective: Explain the impact of nutrition on development, wellness and productivity over the lifespan. Assignment: Dietary Needs at Different Stages Homework Due – Dietary Record Sheet Small Kitchen Equipment Notes Test Corrections DUE One week till Research Paper DUE Closed toed shoes and hair up next time – in kitchen lab for demo! Warm Up: What do you use to measure dry ingredients?
Principles of HS: May 14, 2014 Objective: Explain the impact of nutrition on development, wellness and productivity over the lifespan. Kitchen Lab – Demo Closed toed shoes and hair up next time – in kitchen lab for demo! Warm Up: None
Principles of HS: May 16, 2014 Objective: Explain the impact of nutrition on development, wellness and productivity over the lifespan. Assignment: Research Paper DUE on Tuesday 5/20! Plan Muffin Lab – Tuesday, 5/20 Plan Pasta Lab – Thursday, 5/22 Food Project Due Tuesday, 5/27 Closed toed shoes and hair up next 3 times – in kitchen lab! Warm Up: What did you think of the Chef Demo?