Certified Prevention Specialist (CPS) Overview
Application Requirements Effective for September 2011 Exam and Beyond 150 Prevention Education Hours –24 Hours of ATOD Addiction Pharmacology type courses (brain development, underage drinking, marijuana, methamphetamine, opiates, inhalants, alcohol, prescription drugs, etc.) –24 Hours of ATOD Prevention Education Curriculum trainings or Training of Trainers (TOT) (Strengthening Families, Communities that Care, Project Alert, Selecting an EBP, Question, Persuade, Respond (QPR), ASIST etc.) –18 hours of Substance Abuse Prevention Specialist Training (SAPST) –20 hours minimum of Community Mobilization/ Coalition Building/ Systems Thinking/Planning (ex: Communities that Care, Strategic Prevention Framework, etc) –44 hours maximum general prevention topics (violence, HIV, problem gambling, suicide prevention, mental health promotion. teen pregnancy, underage drinking, etc.) –8 hours of Cultural Competence/Humility –6 hours of facilitation/presentation skills training –6 hours prevention ethics, including confidentiality
2,000 Hours of Alcohol, Tobacco and other Drug use Prevention related experience. Verification of 120 hours of supervised experiential learning in the 5 Prevention Performance Domains (minimum 10 hours each domain) with documented evaluation. National criminal history background check. (checking for both violent offenses and sexual offenses)
Test Information Test Dates for 2011: –March 12, 2011 and September 10, 2011 Application Submission Deadlines: –February 1, 2011 for March exam and August 1, 2011 –Cost: $180 ($130 testing fee, $50 app. fee) Location of test: ACCBO office in Portland, occasionally other locations Time: 11:00 (3.5 hours to complete)
5 Prevention Domains 1. Planning and Evaluation (36 questions) 2. Education and Skill Development (42 questions) 3. Community Organization (26 questions) 4. Public Policy and Environmental Change (20 questions) 5. Professional Growth and Responsibility (26 questions) (Handout provided with tasks provided under each domain)
Test Overview 150 multiple-choice items, some may be psychometric questions Scan-tran test completed in pencil. Some questions will have only one correct answer. Other questions will be psychometric questions, which means we are looking for the best answer of numerous correct answers
Example Question #1 The metabolic process that changes alcohol to the compound acetic acid is known as: A. absorption B. distribution C. detoxification D. oxidation Correct answer: C
Example Question #2 Long Term effects of alcoholism may include: A. confusion B. cerebral atrophy and cardiovascular damage C. marked uncoordination D. Ataxia
Answer to Question #2 All the answers to the question are correct. Best answer is b (cerebral atrophy and cardiovascular damage) Why? Because is covers all of the other answers. Cerebral atrophy and cardiovascular damage causes the other symptoms listed. Suggestion: Review all responses before you select your correct response.
Testing Suggestions 1. S tart with a Positive Mental Attitude 2. A rrive Early at Testing Site 3. L isten Carefully to Instructions 4. C heck your Test 5. P lan your Time 6. P ractice Deep Breathing 7. A nswer “Easy” Questions First 8. R ead Slowly and Completely 9. R ead all the Answers
10. D on’t Expect to Know ALL the Answers 11. B udget your Time 12. A void Changing Answers 13. U se the Process of Elimination 14. D on’t let Others Intimidate You 15. B e Careful Using Answers Sheet
Recertification Process Recertify every 2 years Cost: $130 ($100 is you are dually certified by ACCBO) Recertification postcard reminder will be sent to you via postal mail. You will then need to download recertification packet from ACCBO web page. 40 hours of continuing education hours in Prevention topics. –6 hours must be in prevention ethics every two years.
Information Application located on the ACCBO website at Question on Test? Contact ACCBO at Need help with placement of your hours? Contact Greta Coe at or