Happy Birthday Dr. Seuss
Let’s read the Sneetches… As we read think about these questions: How do the Star-Belly Sneetches look? How do the Plain-Belly Sneetches look? How is the language different for plain and Star-Belly Sneetches? When you were without a star, how did you feel about classmates with stars? What kinds of things do we use as "stars" that make people feel special? What makes you feel like a Plain-Belly Sneetch, a Star-Belly Sneetch? What lessons did you learn? List three actions you will take to help everyone feel like they belong. omUhs0g omUhs0g
Seuss Centers! Travel from table to table and complete the activities with your group members. Character Sketch Comic Strip Writing Assignment Venn Diagram- CRM and Sneetches
Character Sketch With your group complete the sheet to explain the character of the Sneetch- – How does he feel? – What does he say? – Where does he go? – What does he think?
Comic Strip Use the Comic Strip to illustrate and describe the plot of the story- Sneetches.
Writing: Write about a time YOU were a Sneetch. How or why did you exclude someone? What happened? What would you change about the events if you could, or what will you do next time?
Venn Diagram Fill in the Venn Diagram to compare and contrast the story about the Sneetches and the Civil Rights Movement.