Verb Tenses
PresentFuturePast Present Progressive Future progressive Past progressive Present PerfectFuture perfectPast perfect Present Perfect Progressive Future perfect progressive Past perfect progressive
Present Things that are always true Generally happens or happens again and again I/We/You/They PUNCH He/she/it PUNCHES PresentFuturePast Present Progressive Future progressive Past progressive Present Perfect Future perfect Past perfect Present Perfect Progressive Future perfect progressive Past perfect progressive
Present + helpers I should punch He should punch I would punch He would punch He could punch They might punch We may punch
How to use the helpers DO, DOES, DID Use them in a question Do you like potatoes? Did you call me? Does she eat potatoes? Use them to emphasize or answer a question I do like potatoes (vs. I like potatoes) I did call you She does not eat potatoes Or, remember that these are not always helpers I did my homework.
Present Progressive Things happening now Things that are happening around now Things that are changing My parents are living with me now I’m trying to eat more vegetables PresentFuturePast Present Progressive Future progressive Past progressive Present Perfect Future perfect Past perfect Present Perfect Progressive Future perfect progressive Past perfect progressive
Practice pg. 23 & 27
Verbs we don’t use present progressive for States of mind Believe Doubt Feel Think Seem Mean Remember Look
Practice pg. 29
Present perfect A finished action that has some connection with the present. I’ve made a cake. Do you want some? Have you been here for long? PresentFuturePast Present Progressive Future progressive Past progressive Present Perfect Future perfect Past perfect Present Perfect Progressive Future perfect progressive Past perfect progressive
Present perfect progressive Actions and situations continuing up until now Usually we use it when talking about how long things have been going on I have been waiting since 8 PM. practtice. Pg. 44 PresentFuturePast Present Progressive Future progressive Past progressive Present Perfect Future perfect Past perfect Present Perfect Progressive Future perfect progressive Past perfect progressive
Future Only for things that will happen in the future. Not for things that happen regularly (that’s present) We also use “going to” do something to talk about future events I/We/You/They WILL PUNCH He/she/it WILL PUNCH (note: not “will punched”) PresentFuturePast Present Progressive Future progressive Past progressive Present Perfect Future perfect Past perfect Present Perfect Progressive Future perfect progressive Past perfect progressive
Future progressive To say that something will be in progress at a certain time in the future At this time in two weeks, I will be lying at the beach. You won’t be able to park here tomorrow. They will be fixing the road. Practice pg. 35 PresentFuturePast Present Progressive Future progressive Past progressive Present Perfect Future perfect Past perfect Present Perfect Progressive Future perfect progressive Past perfect progressive
Future perfect Something will be completed by a certain time in the future We will have finished planting the new trees by Wednesday Practice Pg. 36 PresentFuturePast Present Progressive Future progressive Past progressive Present Perfect Future perfect Past perfect Present Perfect Progressive Future perfect progressive Past perfect progressive
Practice pg
Past Happened before & is done Regular verbs: add ED Irregular: depends I/We/You/They PUNCHED He/she/it PUNCHED Practice pg. 42 PresentFuturePast Present Progressive Future progressive Past progressive Present Perfect Future perfect Past perfect Present Perfect Progressive Future perfect progressive Past perfect progressive
Past: used to We also use the phrase “used to” to communicate past action that happened repeatedly Did you use to smoke? We didn’t use to go on vacation. I used to like fried food. Practice pg. 73
Past Progressive Actions that were not complete at a particular time in the past When I got home, Pete was cooking lunch. Practice pg. 41 PresentFuturePast Present Progressive Future progressive Past progressive Present Perfect Future perfect Past perfect Present Perfect Progressive Future perfect progressive Past perfect progressive
Past perfect When we are already talking about the past and want to talk about an earlier past action We couldn’t understand why she hadn’t called us. I snuck into the room, but the meeting had already started. Practice pg. 51 PresentFuturePast Present Progressive Future progressive Past progressive Present Perfect Future perfect Past perfect Present Perfect Progressive Future perfect progressive Past perfect progressive
Past Perfect Progressive Talk about earlier situations in the past which continued up until that time All the roads were flooded. It had been raining for three days. She got sick because she hadn’t been sleeping enough. Practice pg. 53 PresentFuturePast Present Progressive Future progressive Past progressive Present Perfect Future perfect Past perfect Present Perfect Progressive Future perfect progressive Past perfect progressive
Practice pg. 55
How do I remember all these verb tenses? General rules 1.Be verb = ING verb (I am working, not I am work) 2.Have/has/had= ED verb (unless be verb is there) 3.Don’t use future tense unless it’s the future 4.Don’t use a tense if you’re not sure. 5.Always use the simplest tense you can.