By :Naheed Yasmeen By :Naheed Yasmeen Tenses
My mother tongue is Punjabi.
I am in class IX
I face difficulty to speak English.
According to my mother, Practice is best for me. Practice is best for me.
I think that what my problem is?
Tenses, which are very difficult for me.
Importance of “inter national” language. Why does it mean so much to me ?
What do doctors say? Repetition Repetition is a good exercise. is a good exercise.
I thought what should I do to solve this problem.
I made a chart, which is useful for me to understand the tenses
1.Indefinite 2.Continuous 3.Perfect 4.Perfect continuous 1.Indefinite 2.Continuous 3.Perfect 4.Perfect continuous 1.Indefinite 2.Continuous 3.Perfect 4.Perfect continuous
How can I apply it. I decided to make 5 sentences daily to practice the tenses.
I make a time table. first week of the month S.No DaysTenses 1Monday 5 sentences of present indefinite 2Tuesday 5 sentences of past indefinite 3Wednesday 5 sentences of future indefinite 4ThursdayNegative 5FridayInterrogative 6SaturdayRevision 7SundayTest
I make a time table. Second week of the month S.No DaysTenses 1Monday 5 sentences of present continuous 2Tuesday 5 sentences of past continuous 3Wednesday 5 sentences of future continuous 4ThursdayNegative 5FridayInterrogative 6SaturdayRevision 7SundayTest
I make a time table. Third week of the month S.No DaysTenses 1Monday 5 sentences of present perfect 2Tuesday 5 sentences of past perfect 3Wednesday 5 sentences of future perfect 4ThursdayNegative 5FridayInterrogative 6SaturdayRevision 7SundayTest
I make a time table. fourth week of the month S.No DaysTenses 1Monday 5 sentences of present perfect continuous 2Tuesday 5 sentences of past perfect continuous 3Wednesday 5 sentences of future perfect continuous 4ThursdayNegative 5FridayInterrogative 6SaturdayRevision 7SundayTest
Graph showing number of verbs on ‘y’ axis and number of sentences on ‘x’ axis
Formula : Number of days *Number of sentences If 5 sentences per day If 5 sentences per day Then in a week number of sentences will be : Then in a week number of sentences will be : 7*5=35 7*5=35 In a month number of sentences will be : In a month number of sentences will be : 35*4=140 35*4=140
How I assess myself. S.n o 1 st week 2 nd week 3 rd week 4 th week Key : Needs to improve out standing Satisfactory
Graph showing the performance of sentences making skill on ‘y’ axis and time spent on ‘x-axis.
I found myself in out standing category.
I thanked to God that He helped me in this struggle.
Dear viewers If you want to apply this strategy you will solve your tenses problem. If you want to apply this strategy you will solve your tenses problem. Hope you join us to add your tips to make sentences. Hope you join us to add your tips to make sentences.