Carpentry 5/5/10
Typical safety tags
Outside of a hardhat
Inside of a hard hat
Safety glasses
Safety goggles
Safety face shield
Full-body harness and lanyards
Safety shoe
Safety gloves
Completed table 3
Self-contained breathing apparatus
Full face piece mask
Supplied Air Mask
Half Mask
Lift Safely
Examples of Barriers and Barricades Barriers: tell people if there are anything that has water, big hole ect those two examples barriers but there is a lot more things that barriers can be used. Barricades: Are signs that might say road closed, detour, caution, danger, men working.
Warning Never remove a barricade unless you have been authorized to do so. Follow your employer’s procedures for putting up and removing barricades.
Personal Protective Equipment Use And Care. Regularly inspect it. Properly care for it. Use it properly when it is needed. Never alter or modify it in any way.
Did You Know? Hard hats used to be made of metal. However, metal conducts electricity, so most hard hats are now made of reinforced plastic or fiberglass.
Hard Hat Care Hard Hats take care of your head when you are on a construction site because if you don’t have it on you will risk in a injury or getting fined for not following the rules on a job site.
Warnings Handle safety glasses and goggles with care. If they get scratched, replace them. The scratches will interfere with your vision. Clean the lenses regularly with lens tissues or a soft cloth
Work gloves and safety shoe Work gloves: are important to protect your hands well you are working so you can’t get blisters or getting hurt. Work shoe: When you are working in place that requires to wear safety shoe such as a construction site.
Warning When a respirator is required, a personal monitoring device is usually also required. This device samples the air to measure the concentration of hazardous chemicals.
Warnings Handle safety glasses and goggles with care. If they get scratched, replace them. The scratches will interfere with your vision. Clean the lenses regularly with lens tissues or a soft cloth.
Review Questions 1.The _________ keeps the key to a lock used for lockout/tagout. A. Site supervisor B. Person who puts on the lock C. Site safety manager D. OSHA Inspector 2. You may operate a device that is tagged out if there is no imminent danger. A.True B.False 3. A yellow and purple warning barricade means________. A.Caution B.Danger C.Physical danger D.Radiation hazard 4. Hole cover must be strong enough to support ____ the weight of anything that may be placed on top of them. A.Exactly B.Twice C.Four times D.Ten Times
Review Questions 5.Adjust the webbing of a hard hat so that there is _______ between your head and the shell. A.NO Space B. As much space as possible C.At least 1 inch of space D.Less than 1 inch of space 6. ___provide the best all-around protection for your eyes. A.Welding hoods B.Face Shields C.Safety goggles D.Strap-on glasses 7. A_____ has its own clean air supply A.Half mask B. Mouthpiece with mechanical filter C.Self-contained breathing apparatus D.Full face piece mask 8. Whenever there is danger of an inhalation hazard, you must use a respirator. A.True B.False
Review Questions 9._____do(es) not interfere with the respirator’s seal A.Facial hair B.Gum and Tobacco chewing C.Dentures D.Temple bars on glasses 10. When lifting heavy objects, keep as much weight as possible over your______. A. Hips B. Shoulders C. Legs D. Back
Answers Review Questions c. Site safety manager b. False a. Caution b. Twice c. At least 1 inch of space c. Safety goggles c. self- contained breathing apparatus a. True b. Gum and chewing tobacco c. legs
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