Grade 5 Mathematics Assessment Eligible Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills Texas Education Agency Student Assessment Division Fall 2010
Webb Article Foldable Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4
Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Same Verb Used at Depth of Knowledge Levels 3.1(C) determine the value of a collection of coins and bills. 4.1(B) use place value to read, write, compare, and order decimals involving tenths and hundredths, including money, using concrete objects and pictorial models. 5.2D use place value to relate decimals to fractions that name tenths, hundredths, and thousandths. Verb Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Compare compare Look at two pictures and compare the value for each set of bills and dollars. What is the value for each set of bills and dollars? Paul asked William for 4 dollars and fifty-two cents to buy a hamburger and fries. William has a variety of bills and coins in his pocket. Determine and compare three different ways William can present Paul with $4.52. (picture of money) If Paul asked William for $4.52 to purchase a hamburger and french fries for lunch, what are three different ways William can group dollars and coins to pay for his lunch? Paul and William each have $20.00 and are going to the matinee. Their movie tickets cost $5.00 each. Paul buys popcorn for $3.54 and a coke for $3.79. William buys candy for $3.36 and a pickle for $4.02. Create a graphical representation of Paul and Williams purchases. Determine how much money Paul and William have. After the movie Paul and William plan to play video games. Each video game is $0.50. Compare the number of video games each boy will get to play. In writing explain your answer. How much money does Paul and William have left? If Paul and William use the rest of their money to play video games at $0.50 a game. How many games will each boy get to play? Paul and William are getting ready to ship birthday presents to their grandma. They need to make sure they have enough money to pay for shipping. You are going to conduct comparative shopping. Through your research you find that at the U. S. Postal Service each package cost $3.75 plus .$0.37 per ounce. At UPS you discover each package is $2.49 plus $0.53 per ounce. At FedEx each package is $3.15 plus $0.45 per ounce. Create chart that compares the different cost for each delivery service. Write a memo to Paul and William letting them know which delivery service is the most cost effective and why.
Verb Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Same Verb Used at Depth of Knowledge Levels Have each grade level look at their SE below and practice writing a learning task and question within each level of thinking. 5.10 C perform simple conversions within the same measurement system (SI (metric or customary). 4.11A estimate and use measurement tools to determine length (including perimeter), area, capacity and weight/mass using standard units SI (metric) and customary. 3.11A use linear measurement tools to estimate and measure lengths using standard units. 2.9A identify concrete models that approximate standard units of length and use them to measure length. 1.7A Estimate and measure length using nonstandard units such as paper clips or sides of color tiles. K.10A compare and order tow or three concrete objects according to length (longer/shorter than, or the same. Verb Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4
Implications for Teaching Let’s complete a “quick” analysis of the test design Examining STAAR Implications for Teaching Number of Non-linguistic Representation Number of word problems with no pictorial support Number of 4th Grade Aligned SEs Number of 3rd Grade Aligned SEs Number of 2nd Grade Aligned SEs Number of 1st Grade Aligned SEs Number of Kinder Aligned SEs Comments: DOK Levels 1 2 3 4 Total
2011 5th Grade Math Release Items “Think Around” the question and capture all thoughts by jotting down what is being said. In order for a 5th grade student to be able to master this question what does the student need to know? 2011 5th Grade Math Release Items
Let’s look at Vertical Alignment In order for a 5th grade student to be able to master this question what does the student need to know? Let’s look at Vertical Alignment 2011 5th Grade STARR Mathematics Released Item~Question 1 5.2 (4.2, 3.2, 2.2,1.2) Number, operation, and quantitative reasoning. The student uses fractions in problem-solving situations. The student is expected to 1.2 (B) Use appropriate language to describe part of a set such as three out of the eight crayons are red. 2.2 (B) Use concrete models to represent and name fractional parts of a set of objects (with denominators of 12 or less). 3.2 (C) Use fraction names and symbols to describe fractional parts of whole objects or sets of objects. 4.2(B) Model fraction quantities greater than one using concrete objects and pictorial models. Tested SE 5.2 (B) generate a mixed number equivalent to a given improper fraction or generate an improper fraction equivalent to a given mixed number.
CSCOPE Performance Indicators 3rd Grade CSCOPE Performance Indicators 4th Grade CSCOPE Performance Indicators 5th Grade CSOPE Performance Indicators Unit 12 (4th Nine Weeks) Create a five-tab flip book representing two different fractions (e.g., 3/10 , 4 /5 , etc.) in a real-life problem-situation, modeled with concrete objects and then recorded as follows: Tab 1 (separated into two sections; one for each fraction) displays a set model for each fraction; Tab 2 (separated into two sections; one for each fraction) displays an area model for each fraction; Tab 3 displays the two fractions being compared using words, numbers, and symbols; Tab 4 displays a pictorial (e.g., set model or area model) of an equivalent for each fraction; and Tab 5 contains a written explanation with a justification for determining each fraction equivalent. (3.2A, 3.2B, 3.2C, 3.2D; 3.14A, 3.14D; 3.15A, 3.15B) 1C; 5B Sample Performance Indicator: Joey found two bird nests with eggs in each. In one nest, 3/8 of the eggs had hatched and in the other nest, 4/5 of the eggs had hatched. Create a five-tab flip book representing the two fractions, 3/8 and 4/5 , such as the following: Model each fraction with concrete objects (e.g., pattern blocks, counters, etc.). Separate the first tab in the booklet into two sections – one for each fraction. Label each of the two sections with the title: Set Model. Under each section, draw the model of the fractions created with the concrete objects. For the second tab, model each fraction using color tiles so that the tiles have no gaps. Separate the second tab into two sections like the first tab, and label each of these sections with the title: Area Model. Under each section, draw the model of the fractions created with color tiles. For the third tab (no need to separate this tab into two sections), record and compare the two fractions using words, numbers, and symbols, and label this tab: Unit 6 (2nd Nine Weeks) Generate an equivalent fraction and decimal from a given concrete or pictorial model that contains at least one fractional quantity greater than one and represents a real-life scenario. Place each equivalent fraction at its approximate location on a number line. In a journal entry, describe the strategy used to order the fraction totals from least to greatest. (4.2A, 4.2B, 4.2C, 4.2D; 4.10; 4.14A, 4.14D, 4.15A, 4.15B; 4.16A) 1E; 5F Kaytlynn shaded a hundredths grid on the card below to create a tile design. In a table, record a fraction and decimal for each of the four parts of Kaytlynn’s grid (e.g. black, white, gray, and striped.) Unit 10 (4th Nine Weeks) Create a necklace design using 100 objects (e.g. beads, pasta, cereal, etc.) of three different colors. Then use a 100s grid to sort the necklace objects by color and color-in the grid accordingly. Record the following for the colors in the necklace design: (1) the fractions represented for each color; (2) the fraction to decimal equivalence for each color; (3) the name in words for each decimal; (4) the order of the fractions and decimals from greatest to least; (5) one comparison statement for the fractions and one comparison statement for the decimals with appropriate symbols; and (6) create a problem situation involving the colors of the necklace that could be answered using fractional pieces and a written justification of the solution. Copy your colored 100s grid onto three more grids creating a total of four 100s grids. If each 100s grid represents “one whole”, find, describe, and record one or more of the colors used in the 100s grid where the fraction and decimal representation is greater than one. (4.2A, 4.2B, 4.2C, 4.2D; 4.14A, 4.14D; 4.15A, 4.15B; 4.16B) 5B; 1G Unit 7 (2nd Nine Weeks) Order in a table and on a number line a set of mixed numbers and improper fractions in a real-life situation from least to greatest by generating their equivalent values. Use the order to validate conclusions related to the real-life situation. (5.2B; 5.14A, 5.14D; 5.15A, 5.15B; 5.16B) 1E; 5G Sara, Annie, Tyrone, and Evelyn all ride the bus to school. Sara lives miles away, Annie lives miles away, Tyrone lives miles away, and Evelyn lives miles away. Create a table that shows the name of each student and their distance from school in both mixed numbers and improper fractions. Include in the table a process column to show how each distance was renamed. From the table, create a number line ordering the distances from least to greatest, and justify in writing how the order was determined. Then, use the number line to communicate in writing which student lives the closest to school and which student lives the furthest from school. 1 4 3 23 4 7 4 8 27 5
Taught in CSCOPE 5.2B 1st Nine Weeks, Unit 7 4th Nine Weeks, Unit 13 Supporting 5.2 B (4.2B, 3.2C, 2.2B, 1.2B) generate a mixed number equivalent to a given improper fraction or generate an improper fraction equivalent to a given mixed number. DOK: Level (Evidence) What part of the SE is being tested? What do the students need to know in order to answer the question correctly? Number of steps it takes to solve the problem? Academic Vocabulary Write (S) it is stated and (I) if it is implied How is it being tested?
Every nine weeks, all units except unit 6 Taught in CSCOPE 5.3A 1st Nine Weeks, Unit 2 & 4 4th Nine Weeks, Unit 12 5.14 A Every nine weeks, all units except unit 6 Readiness 5.3A (4.3A, 3.3A, 2.3B, 1.3B) use addition and subtraction to solve problems involving whole numbers and decimals Process 5.14A (4.14A, 3.14A, 2.12A, 1.11 A, K.13A) identify the mathematics in everyday situations DOK: Level (Evidence) What part of the SE is being tested? What do the students need to know in order to answer the question correctly? Number of steps it takes to solve the problem? Academic Vocabulary Write (S) it is stated and (I) if it is implied How is it being tested?
Taught in CSCOPE 5.3B 1st Nine Weeks, Unit 3,4 4th Nine Weeks, Unit 12 Readiness 5.3B (4.4D, 3.4B) use multiplication to solve problems involving whole numbers (no more than three digits times two digits without technology); Processing 5.14B (4.14B, 3.14B, 2.12 B, 1.11B, K.13B) solve problems that incorporate understanding the problem, making a plan, carrying out the plan, and evaluating the solution for reasonableness DOK: Level (Evidence) What part of the SE is being tested? What do the students need to know in order to answer the question correctly? Number of steps it takes to solve the problem? Academic Vocabulary Write (S) it is stated and (I) if it is implied How is it being tested?
Taught in CSCOPE 5.3C 1st Nine Weeks, Unit 3,4 4th Nine Weeks, Unit 12 5.14 B 1st Nine Weeks, Unit 2,3,4 Readiness 5.3 (C) use division to solve problems involving whole numbers (no more than two-digit divisors and three-digit dividends without technology), including interpreting the remainder within a given context;. Processing 5.14B (4.14B, 3.14B, 2.12 B, 1.11B, K.13B) solve problems that incorporate understanding the problem, making a plan, carrying out the plan, and evaluating the solution for reasonableness DOK: Level (Evidence) What part of the SE is being tested? What do the students need to know in order to answer the question correctly? Number of steps it takes to solve the problem? Academic Vocabulary Write (S) it is stated and (I) if it is implied How is it being tested?
Taught in CSCOPE 5.4A 1st Nine Weeks, Unit 2,3,4 4th Nine Weeks, Unit 12 5.14 B Supporting 5.4A (4.5B, 3.5B) use strategies, including rounding and compatible numbers to estimate solutions to addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division problems Processing 5.14B (4.14B, 3.14B, 2.12 B, 1.11B, K.13B) solve problems that incorporate understanding the problem, making a plan, carrying out the plan, and evaluating the solution for reasonableness DOK: Level (Evidence) What part of the SE is being tested? What do the students need to know in order to answer the question correctly? Number of steps it takes to solve the problem? Academic Vocabulary Write (S) it is stated and (I) if it is implied How is it being tested?
All nine weeks, all units Taught in CSCOPE 5.5A 2nd Nine Weeks, Unit 5 4th Nine Weeks, Unit 12 5.15A All nine weeks, all units Readiness 5.5A (4.7A, 3.7B, 2.6B, 1.4A, K.6A) describe the relationship between sets of data in graphic organizers such as lists, tables, charts, and diagrams; Processing 5.15A (4.15A, 3.15A, 2.13A, 1.12A) explain and record observations using objects, words, pictures, numbers, and technology DOK: Level (Evidence) What part of the SE is being tested? What do the students need to know in order to answer the question correctly? Number of steps it takes to solve the problem? Academic Vocabulary Write (S) it is stated and (I) if it is implied How is it being tested?
All nine weeks, all units Taught in CSCOPE 5.6A 2nd Nine Weeks, Unit 5 5.15B All nine weeks, all units Supporting 5.6A select from and use diagrams and equations such as y = 5 + 3 to represent meaningful problem situations. Processing 5.15B (4.15 B, 3.15B, 2.13B, 1.12B, K14B) relate informal language to mathematical language and symbols DOK: Level (Evidence) What part of the SE is being tested? What do the students need to know in order to answer the question correctly? Number of steps it takes to solve the problem? Academic Vocabulary Write (S) it is stated and (I) if it is implied How is it being tested?
Taught in CSCOPE 5.7A 2nd Nine Weeks, Unit 5 4th Nine Weeks, Unit 12 3rd Nine Weeks, Unit 10 Supporting 5.7A (4.8 C, 3.8A, 2.7A,B, 1.6C, K.9A) identify essential attributes including parallel, perpendicular, and congruent parts of two- and three-dimensional geometric figures Processing 5.16A (4.16A, 3.16A) make generalizations from patterns or sets of examples and nonexamples Number of steps it takes to solve the problem What part of the SE is being tested? What do the students need to know in order to answer the question correctly? DOK: Level (Evidence) Academic Vocabulary Write (S) it is stated and (I) if it is implied How is it being tested?
Taught in CSCOPE 5.8A 3rd Nine Weeks, Unit 10 Readiness 5.8A (4.9A) sketch the results of translations, rotations, and reflections on a Quadrant I coordinate grid DOK: Level (Evidence) What part of the SE is being tested? What do the students need to know in order to answer the question correctly? Number of steps it takes to solve the problem? Academic Vocabulary Write (S) it is stated and (I) if it is implied How is it being tested?
Taught in CSCOPE 5.10A 3rd Nine Weeks, Unit 10 4th Nine Weeks, Unit 14 5.14B 1st Nine Weeks, Unit 2,3,4 4th Nine Weeks, Unit 12 Supporting 5.10A (4.11B) perform simple conversions within the same measurement system (SI (metric) or customary) Processing 5.14B (4.14B, 3.14B, 2.12 B, 1.11B, K.13B) solve problems that incorporate understanding the problem, making a plan, carrying out the plan, and evaluating the solution for reasonableness Number of steps it takes to solve the problem? What part of the SE is being tested? What do the students need to know in order to answer the question correctly? DOK: Level (Evidence) Academic Vocabulary Write (S) it is stated and (I) if it is implied How is it being tested?
Taught in CSCOPE 5.10C 1st Nine Weeks, Unit 2,3,4 3rd Nine Weeks, Unit 9 4th Nine Weeks, Unit 14 5.14B 4th Nine Weeks, Unit 12 Readiness 5.10C (4.11A, 3.11C, 2.9B, 1.7B, K.10B) select and use appropriate units and formulas to measure length, perimeter, area, and volume Processing 5.14B (4.14B, 3.14B, 2.12 B, 1.11B, K.13B) solve problems that incorporate understanding the problem, making a plan, carrying out the plan, and evaluating the solution for reasonableness DOK: Level (Evidence) What part of the SE is being tested? What do the students need to know in order to answer the question correctly? Number of steps it takes to solve the problem? Academic Vocabulary Write (S) it is stated and (I) if it is implied How is it being tested?
Every nine weeks, all units except unit 6 Taught in CSCOPE 5.12B 2nd Nine Weeks, Unit 8 5.14 A Every nine weeks, all units except unit 6 Readiness 5.12B (4.13A) use experimental results to make predictions Processing 5.14A (4.14A, 3.14A, 2.12A, 1.11 A, K.13A) identify the mathematics in everyday situations DOK: Level (Evidence) What part of the SE is being tested? What do the students need to know in order to answer the question correctly? Number of steps it takes to solve the problem? Academic Vocabulary Write (S) it is stated and (I) if it is implied How is it being tested?
Taught in CSCOPE 5.13B 3rd Nine Weeks, Unit 11 4th Nine Weeks, Unit 12 Readiness 5.13B describe characteristics of data presented in tables and graphs including median, mode, and range DOK: Level (Evidence) What part of the SE is being tested? What do the students need to know in order to answer the question correctly? Number of steps it takes to solve the problem? Academic Vocabulary Write (S) it is stated and (I) if it is implied How is it being tested?