Stereoscopic images Several methods: –Anaglyph –Polarization –Timesequential (shutterglasses) –Lenticular L A Rønningen/ E Heiberg, Item 2008
Stereoscopic images Anaglyph method Two different colors for left and right eye ( Red/green, red/blue, red/cyan glasses ) Advantages: Cheap glasses Easy to create the images No need for special monitor (regular Tv works just fine) Disadvantages: Poor color quality Ghosting (right eye sees parts of the left eyes image, and vice versa) Left eye Right eye Red channel removed Green and blue channel removed Anaglyphic result
Stereoscopic images Polarization method Two different images for left and right eye, in space Advantages: Cheap glasses Good color quality and stereo effect Disadvantages: Expensive/lots of equipment (2 projectors, projector rack, special canvas, polarization filters) Difficult to align the projectors perfectly (can introduce vertical parallax) Viewers can’t tilt their head sideways
Stereoscopic images Time/frame-sequential method Two different images for left and right eye, time multiplexed Advantages: Good color quality and stereo effect Disadvantages: More expensive (shutter)glasses (compared to the anaglyph and polarization methods) Requires a 120Hz display to avoid flickering (60Hz for each eye)
Autostereoscopic multiview images Lenticular method Multiple autostereoscopic views in space Advantages: Good color quality and stereo effect No need for glasses! Disadvantages: Very expensive displays Some displays available For a screen of N Mpixels, the resolution is N/(the number of views) Lenticular lenses Screen Philips 42” WOW multiview lenticular display Price: ~11000€
Cooperative Learning: Discuss the methods for stereoscopic imaging Learning goals: For the four methods presented, each of the group members shall: –Understand the principles –Be able to present the methods for peers –Be able to apply the methods
Autostereoscopic Multiview TV system
Philips lenticular display
Edge blending
Geometric correction (warping)
Cooperative Learning: Stereoscopic multiview TV: What can be done when the number of cameras and projectors are not the same?