Instructional Media -Why use Media in Instruction? -Types of Instructional Media -Factors that may influence the choice of media.
Why Use Media in Instruction?
1. Gain retention 2. Recall prerequisites 3. Present objectives to learners 4. Introduce new lesson 5. Support learning through examples and visual elaborations
6. Elicit student response 7. Provide feedback 8 6. Elicit student response 7. Provide feedback 8. Enhance retention or transfer 9. Assess performance
Factors that may influence the choice of media
1. Task factors- ->The type of objectives, and hence the type of learning activities which should be provided for the learner.
2. Learner factors- ->Some learners may learn better from certain media than from others.
-> This may limit the choice in practice. 3. Economics/availability factors -> This may limit the choice in practice.
Types of Instructional Media
1. Projected media 2. Non-projected media 3. Audio media 4. Motion media 5. Hypermedia 6. Gaming media
Projected Media -Instructional materials that require projection and electricity in their using process.
Example: projector
There are different kinds of Projectors: small, portable, and cheap single slide projectors and strip projectors
Non-Projected Media -Instructional materials that do not require the process of projection before its operation can take place. .
Many types of non-projected media can make your instruction more realistic and engaging.
Example: Posters, cartoons, charts, pictures and graphs.
Audio Media -allow students to hear other languages/dialects. -allow auditory learners to review the lessons.
Example: Providing student feedback using a voice recording that is sent to the learner either to supplement written feedback or as a replacement
Motion Media -Experience concepts in a manner that is not available in real life.
Example: Motion Media is defined as a class of graphics that make use of video and/or animation technology in a way that an illusion of motion or a transforming appearance is created.
Hyper Media -Offer resources beyond the library. Hypermedia, an extension of the term hypertext, is a nonlinear medium of information which includes graphics, audio, video, plain text and hyperlinks.
Example: The World Wide Web is a classic example of hypermedia
Gaming Media Interactive media normally refers to products and services on digital computer-based systems which respond to the user’s actions by presenting content such as text, graphics, animation, video, audio, games, etc.
Provide a playful environment for learning.
Example: Farm Town, YoVille and Mob Wars were some of the first successful games of this genre.FrontierVille, CityVille, Gardens of Time, Kantai Collection[10][11] and The Sims Social are more recent examples of popular social network games.
Cheap single slide projector
Strip projector
Portable projector
Reporters -Tumbado, Karen B. -Valencia, Sarah Claire