Roman amphitheater
Early Roman Civilization (753 B.C.E. to 284 A.D.)
Early Roman Civilization Three historical periods: –The Roman Monarchy (753 BCE to 509 BCE) –The Roman Republic (509 BCE to 31 BCE) –The Roman Empire (31 BCE to 248 AD)
The Roman Republic The Early Republic ( BCE): division of society into two classes, the aristocratic patricians and the plebeians The Middle Republic ( BCE): the challenge of Carthage; the Punic Wars ( BCE). The Late Republic ( BCE): the rise of the equestrian order, a social class who gained wealth during the Punic Wars.
The Late Republic: Julius Caesar, I Julius Caesar, an equestrian, was a major political figure from 60 to 44 BCE. He took his authority from the many titles and powers he held: dictator for life, consul, and head of the armies. Future Roman emperors recognized him as their predecessor by calling themselves Caesar, or ruler.
The Late Republic: Julius Caesar, II On march 15, 44 BCE, a band of senatorial assassins murdered Caesar and Rome plunged into chaos. Caesar’s nephew and adopted son, Octavian, emerged as a new leader in 31 BCE. He was later called Augustus Caesar. With Octavian, we have the beginning of Pax Romana (Roman Peace) and the Roman Empire. During Octavian’s rule, patrician’s power decreased and equestrian power increased.
Assassination of Julius Caesar
Julius Caesar
Circus Maximus
Three Social Classes During Roman Republic and Empire, there were three distinct social classes: The patrician (aristocracy) The equestrian (army) The plebian (common people)
Roman culture Hellenistic culture became the foundation of Roman civilization. The Roman blend the utilitarian with the aesthetic. Fascination with the spectacle Architecture and sculpture are increasingly monumental and theatrical.
Roman Religion The Romans were syncretists, blending different religions. From Egypt came the worship of Isis (a religion that promised immortality), from Persia they borrowed the cult of Mithra. They celebrated December 25 th as Mithra’s birthday.
Roman Literature The First Literary Period (250 to 31 BCE) The Second Literary Period (The Golden Age, 31 BCE to 14 AD) The Third Literary Period (The Silver Age, 14 AD to 200 AD)
Roman Literature: The First Literary Period Lucretius: in his book (On the Nature of Things) he defended Epicurianism that denied divine intervention in human affairs. Catullus: love poetry Cicero: letters, speeches, translations
Roman Literature: The Second Literary Period Virgil: Aeneid imitates Homer’s The Odyssey Horace: he created a new genre, the satire Ovid: Art of Love, on how to seduce women. In Metamorphoses (Transformations) he revives Greek and Roman Myths.