Nordic Pedagogy in ODL – A Danish View Professor Annette Lorentsen Aalborg University, Denmark The Fluid-Eden Open Classroom Symposium, Copenhagen 5-6 December 2002
Conceptualising ODL ODL opposed to on campus teaching and learning ODL target group may be both adults and young participants ODL is WSL/WBL
ODL as….? … a translation/transformation of on campus teaching and learning Basic concepts in classroom teaching have to be transformed/translated … a new interpretation and implementation of our ideas of teaching and learning in a new context Basic ideas of learning have to be restated (reinterpreted) and implemented under new conditions
Key issues now Restating our ideas of learning What are the key concepts behind good learning processes Implementing these ideas in an ODL context Looking - as open minded as possible - at experience, models, problems and challenges Comparing Nordic ODL pedagogy with ’traditional’ ODL pedagogy Marketing Nordic design of ODL
Nordic ideas of learning Learning how: ’GAFEL’ (shared responsibility for learning processes) Learning what:A totality of competencies Learning where:In a room (non linearity) Learner role:Active, contributing, interactive Teacher role:Educationalist, person, expert Backbone of learning: Dialogue, discussion, materials
Looking at Nordic ODL implementations Interviewing Danish universities on creating a new portal for ODL activities Visiting Norwegian universities as part of an evaluation of SOFF supported activities Evaluating Distum research activities on ODL in Sweden Interviewing Finnish universities taking part in EU projects on networked learning
Models for implementing Nordic ODL CSCL Parallel virtual classroom & CSCL Training online
Implementing Nordic ODL - Problems and challenges How to create a community - a necessary precondition for active, contributing, interactive learning processes How to create genuine dialogue and discussion How to further collaboration online How to give teachers competencies and tools to act as proper Nordic ODL teachers How to give students tools and competencies to take on a co-responsability for their own learning
Nordic design of ODL - a niche product world-wide? Comparing Nordic ODL pedagogy with main stream ODL pedagogy Is Nordic ODL pedagogy better? For what and why? How to market Nordic ODL pedagogy?
ODL pedagogy Nordic Main stream Process perspective Participants co-responsible Broad definition of professional competencies Additional citizen competencies intended Learning in rooms With problems & chaos Active, contributing participants Complex teacher role Shifting teacher-participant relations Dialogue & discussion as important as materials Product perspective Provider responsible Professional competencies subject related Learning as paths With curriculum & direction Active participants – but a more reactive activity Expert teacher role Stable teacher-participant relation Materials of utmost importance
Conclusions A Nordic ODL pedagogy model exists But not all Nordic ODL use it However, teachers want to We need back up to secure implementation and continuation of project results And we need better descriptions and analysis of the model (research) And more good examples (best practice) And joint action to promote the model and its strenghts