HealthTech Counsil
AGENDA –The Danish Health Care System –The eHealth Portal –Dilemmas of privacy, security and efficiency –The Future HealthTech Counsil
THE DANISH HEALTH CARE SYSTEM Public health care (85 % of costs are financed through taxes) Free access to most health services for all Danish citizens A homogenous health care system NATIONAL: Legislation REGIONAL: 5 Regions; 80 Hospitals and more LOCAL: 98 Municipalities HealthTech Counsil
STEP BY STEP: 1992: Health Data Network established 1994: MedCom established to standardize messages 2001: The regions involve the national government in the establishment of a National eHealth Portal 2003: the eHealth Portal ( is launched 2004: the eHealth Portal supports log-on, and displays personal information 2008: Patient-to-patient dialogue introduced on 2009: the eHealth Portal improves performance by updating platform 2010: All regions make EHR’s available using the same standard 2012: 3rd iteration of eHealth Portal launched HealthTech Counsil
OVERALL GOAL To set free the resources of the individual! HealthTech Counsil
THE PORTAL was launched in 2003 was relaunched on a new platform 2009 and again i 2012 target audience = Citizens as well as Health Professionals across sectors integrates data from 110 (existing) sources HealthTech Counsil
SERVICES FOR PATIENTS Directory of names and addresses Contact information E-services in the contact with the GP (booking, prescription renewal, consultation) Comparison of prices, quality and accessibilty Information about prevention, treatment and coping Medical information (eg. information about treatments) Waiting list information from hospitals Preventive medicine Health laws and regulations Complete cross-sectoral list of health and prevention programs offered by municipalities or hospitals. Medical patient handbook with 3000 articles and 2000 illustrations Patient to patient dialogue in online patient networks Test yourself 2012 HealthTech Council
SERVICES FOR PATIENTS (CONT.) Online Electronic Health Record (EHR) from hospitals Cross-sectorial personal electronic medicine profile List of contacts with public hospitals (since 1977) List of all publically subsidized contacts in primary health sector (since 2003) Online Organ Donor Registration Online Living Will ’My log’ (lets the patient see which health professionals have accessed their personal data) My health at a glance Some services to patients with diabetes or in AC therapy 2012 HealthTech Council
FOR HEALTH PROFESSIONALS Patient data: Online Electronic Health Record from hospitals Cross-sectorial personal electronic medicine profile Web access to laboratory data Treatment feedback and benchmarking data regarding current patients with diabetes etc. HealthTech Counsil
TYPES OF VIEWS HealthTech Counsil
WHAT ARE THE EFFECTS? A well prepared patient A patient who feels co-responsible Avoided complications Increased cooperation between sectors HealthTech Counsil
SAFE ACCESS 2004: First national log-on solution prepared for citizens and health professionals 2010: 2nd generation security solution for citizens (shared with netbanking solutions) 2012: 2nd generation security solution for health professionals All access by health professionals is logged, and log information regarding a patient is avialable to that patient. HealthTech Counsil
DILEMMAS Access without consent? Access for support functions to doctors? Transparency for patients vs. time to convey critical information Time out? Too many log ons in hospitals? Bringing the services to smartphones and iPads? HealthTech Counsil
THE FUTURE - ON THE DRAWING BOARD plans to: –Improve the EHR (incl. data from GP’s) –Improve Quality-rating information regarding hospitals –Enable citizens to comment on their own data –Enable citizens to invite relatives to take part in the flow of shared data. HealthTech Counsil