LSA standards, technology and experience in Russia Dmitry Borozdin Head of LSA software development department R&D CALS Center "Applied logistics"
ILS and LSA standards development Russian Federal Agency on Technical Regulation and Metrology Technical Committee 51 Engineering documentation Technical Committee 323 Aircrafts Technical Committee 459 Product Life Cycle Information Support Member Both Federal authorities and the industry in our country give adequate attention to PLM and ILS technologies. Back in 1998 the Ministry of Economics and the National Standardization Organizations set up our R&D Center entrusted with the task to organize and to coordinate the efforts related to CALS. The scope of Center activities demanded to draw up conceptual documents, which define the aims and purposes of introduction of the new technologies into the industry, to prepare a suite of national standards, educational and training materials, to develop methodic and software tools and to approbate them in various branches of industry. The key idea is to apply international standards for product data representation and exchange as well as in the area of ILS. observer Steering Committee April 2011 LSA standards, technology and experience in Russia
Design and technological standards development Technical Committee 51 Engineering documentation Unified system of design documentation Unified system of technological documentation First of all we revised and obtained the major portion of standards in the field of design documentation. What does it means? The whole system of standards used for many years up to recent dates - was based on application of paper documents. This cause certain difficulties for introduction and implementation of technologies of electronic doc flow and Product Data Management. Within 5 years we revised the major volume of standards and added a range of new, defining such terms and definitions as electronic design documents, electronic design models and drawings, electronic product structure and so on. We also defined and finalized the composition of required set of design documents, established the procedures of their coordination and approval. April 2011 LSA standards, technology and experience in Russia
Aviation documentation standards development S1000DR-2007 ASD S1000D 2.3 authentic translation Technical Committee 323 Aircraft “Harmonized” Russian Aviation Standard 18675 Aircraft maintenance and repair documentation We changed the standards regarding the maintenance doc, included the requirements and the rules of presentation of information in the IETM form We also developed Russian analogue of S5000F standard concerning in-service data feedback Predecessor of S5000F? Aircraft electronic dossier April 2011 LSA standards, technology and experience in Russia
ILS and LSA standards development ISO 10303 translation* Standard for the Exchange of Product model data Technical Committee 459 Product Life Cycle Information Support ISO 13584 translation* Parts library Russian ILS standard And at the same time we introduced in Russia the series of ISO standards 10303, known as STEP. As you see the general vector of this work conjunct with the harmonization with international efforts in this area. Within this period we perfectly well acquainted ourselves with the standards in the field of Integrated Logistic Support. Russian ILS standard for civil aviation Russian LSA standard * - published as GOST R April 2011 LSA standards, technology and experience in Russia
LSA aviation standards and technologies Russian LSA aviation industry standard In cooperation with Russian united aircraft corporation and flight research institute we developed Russian LSA aviation industry standard. It contains description of process and technology of LSA performed in an integrated information system. We think now we have a good opportunity to improve it taking all the best from S3000L “Harmonized” Russian aviation LSA standard? April 2011 LSA standards, technology and experience in Russia
LSA aviation standard data model Base data models LSAR data model ISO 10303 (STEP) DEF STAN 00-600 ASD S2000M But, because one can’t be a pure theoretician, we plunge ourselves into development of a number of software application and their implementation in the industry. This included: PDM package, based on STEP informational models, as well as on new concepts of NPDM and PLCS projects. This also included LSA package and the package for development of maintenance documentation. Working with our solution in the area of LSA we took the courage to deviate from traditional approach to LSA data base - as relational system and created the object data base. ASD S1000D Spec 2.3 April 2011 LSA standards, technology and experience in Russia
Approach to ILS process Application scenario analysis Element-candidates selection, logistic structure development Functional structure development, FMEA/FMECA Maintenance technology and scheduled checks definition Maintenance planning (using ATA MSG-3), RCM Provisioning planning Direct maintenance cost calculation LSA This slide describes our point of view to ILS process We tried to pass the whole cycle starting with PDM, through LSA to Electronic documentation development and in-service data feedback. As you see we deal and solve traditional set of related tasks… Collection of actual data IETM and catalogues development Performance monitoring Technical documentation April 2011 LSA standards, technology and experience in Russia
ILS software LSA Performance monitoring Technical documentation Element-candidates selection, logistic structure development Functional structure development, FMEA/FMECA Application scenario analysis Maintenance technology and scheduled checks definition Maintenance planning (using ATA MSG-3), RCM Provisioning planning Direct maintenance cost calculation LSA ..and we developed software solutions for this tasks. Actual data collection IETM development Performance monitoring Technical documentation April 2011 LSA standards, technology and experience in Russia
LSA software interfaces Logistic product structure (XML) Performance monitoring database PDM Step Suite LSA database PDM database Use S5000F? Reliability data (XML or DEXX) CSDB This slide is about how our software solutions are integrated. Now we use our own version of in-service feedback protocol, in the future we have to teach our software also to understand S5000F Design data (ISO 10303 API) DMRL, procedural and IPC/IPL data modules content (S1000D XML) April 2011 LSA standards, technology and experience in Russia
Experience in LSA projects Yak-130 Yak-130 Yak-130 Yak-130 SU-30 MKI SU-30 MKI SU-30 MKI SU-30 MKI Our results in the scope of LSA caused the natural interest in science intensive fields of industry and first of all in aircraft building industry. We were first involved in LSA projects 5 years ago with Sukhoi superjet project. Since that time practical joint and cooperative work allowed us to establish good working relations with almost all leading manufacturers of civil and military aircraft equipment in Russia, as with helicopter manufacturing companies. This year we started the a space ship LSA project with Energia aerospace Design Bureau. Tu-204 SM Tu-204 SM Tu-204 SM Mi-17 April 2011 LSA standards, technology and experience in Russia
ILS and LSA standards development observer Steering Committee Applied logistics useful skills: So, now we are pleased to be invited to S3000L steering committee meeting as an observer and hope our skills would be helpful Standards (translated and «self-made») Data models /DEXX/ XML LSA, IETM and performance monitoring software Experience in LSA projects April 2011 LSA standards, technology and experience in Russia
Thank you! Dmitry Borozdin Head of LSA software development department R&D CALS Center "Applied logistics“, Russia, Moscow E-mail: April 2011 LSA standards, technology and experience in Russia