Personality: Psychodynamic Theories
Personality The distinctive and relatively enduring ways of thinking, feeling, and acting that characterize a person’s responses to life situations. Study of personality is guided by the psychologist’s perspective, which sometimes makes it difficult to understand how they are all studying the same thing. –It seems hard to believe that all the theorists are talking about the same creature, who is now angelic, and now depraved, now a black-box robot shaped by reinforcers and now a shaper of its own destiny, now devious… and now hardheadedly oriented to solid reality. (Stone and Church, 1968)
Evaluating Theories Truth, in personality studies, is often less important than usefulness. –after all, the study design and results interpretation is itself influenced by the personality of the psychologist A theory is only useful in so far as it 1.Provides a comprehensive framework within which known facts can be incorporated 2.Allows us to predict future events with some precision 3.Stimulates the discovery of new knowledge
Personality Theories Psychodynamic Psychoanalytic (Freud) Psychoanalytic Theories Analytic Psyc (Jung) Collective Unconscious Individual Psyc (adler) Inferiority Complex Ego Psychologists Psychosocial Theory (Erikson) Significant Others Neo-Freudian Basic Anxiety/Hostility (Horney Structure And Dynamics Psychosexual Development Humanistic Unconditional Positive Regard (Rogers) Self-Actualization (Maslow) Trait Theories Cardinal Traits (Allport) Surface and Source Traits (Cattell) Introversion/ Extroversion (Eysenck) Learning Theories Social Learning Theory Bandura Rotter Mischel Radical Behaviorism (Watson/Skinner) Biological Theory
Personality Theories Is Human Nature Good or Evil? Is Man Rational or Irrational? Is Man’s behavior Determined or Free? PsychodynamicEvilIrrationalDetermined Behavioristic and Social- cognitive Neutral Determined HumanisiticGoodRationalFree
Psychoanalytic Theory Personality Theories Psychodynamic Psychoanalytic (Freud) Psychoanalytic Theories Analytic Psyc (Jung) Collective Unconscious Individual Psyc (adler) Inferiority Complex Ego Psychologists Psychosocial Theory (Erikson) Significant Others Neo-Freudian Basic Anxiety/Hostility (Horney Structure And Dynamics Psychosexual Development
Freudian Theory: Psychic Energy Superego Ego Id Altruism Principle: what is best for others? Reality Principle what is best for everyone involved? Pleasure Principle: what is best for me?
Ego “Joe Normal” SuperEgo “The Saint” Id “All About Me!”
Freudian Theory: Psychic Energy Id: Develops first; exists in unconscious mind; wants immediate gratification –Instincts and Energy Eros: life instincts (sexual desire) Thanatos: death instincts (aggression) Libido: energy that directs life instincts Ego: Develops second; negotiates between the desires of the Id, and the limitations of the environment –Exists in conscious mind and the unconscious mind Superego: conscience; determines what is right, and what is wrong –Exists in conscious mind and the unconscious mind
Freudian Theory Personality is how we resolve the three psychic energies. –Use of Defense Mechanisms Essentially set in childhood based on relative success during Psychosexual Stages of development. –Oral (birth-2 years) –Anal (2-3 years) –Phallic (4-5) –Latency (5-12 years) no effect –Genital ( years)
Freudian Theory: Development Normal Development –Oral –Anal –Phallic –Latency –Genital [Toward Normal Adulthood] Abnormal Development: –Oral –Anal –Phallic –Latency –Genital Regression: satisfies earlier stages
The Breakup Muffy, the captain of the high school cheerleading squad, decides to leave her boyfriend of two years, Biff, the star wide receiver of the football team, for Alvin, the star of the school’s chess team. Needless to say, Biff is devastated, but his ego can choose from a variety of defense mechanisms with which to protect him.
Defense Mechanisms I Acting Out: Reducing anxiety aroused by forbidden desires by permitting their expression –Biff begins serial-dating. (Dating multiple girls at the same time.) Displacement: Redirecting one’s feelings toward another person or object. Negative emotions are often displaced onto less threatening people. –Biff could displace his feelings of anger onto his little brother, pet hamster, or football. Projection: Believing that the feelings one has toward someone else are actually held by the other person and directed at oneself. –Biff insists that Muffy still cares for him.
Defense Mechanisms II Emotional Insulation: Reducing self-involvement by withdrawing into passivity to protect the self from hurt. –Biff stops going out with friends, and begins missing football games to stay at home. Reaction Formation: Expressing the opposite of how one truly feels. –Biff claims he loathes Muffy. Regression: Returning to an earlier, comforting form of behavior. –Biff begins sleeping with his favorite childhood stuffed animal, “Mr. Fuzzy” Rationalization: Coming up with a beneficial result of an undesirable occurrence. –Biff believes that he can now find a better girlfriend, after all, Muffy isn’t really that pretty/smart/fun to be with.
Defense Mechanisms III Repression: Blocking thoughts out from conscious awareness. –When asked how he feels about the breakup, Biff replies, “Who? Oh, yeah, I haven’t thought about her in a while.” Denial: Not accepting the ego-threatening truth. –Biff continues to act as if he and Muffy are together. He waits by her locker, calls her, and plans their future dates. Intellectualism: Undertaking an academic, unemotional study of a topic. –Biff embarks on an in-depth research project about failed teen romances. Sublimation: Channeling one’s frustration toward a different goal. –Biff devotes himself to writing poetry and publishes a small volume before he graduates high school.
Psychodynamic Theory: Neofreudians Carl Jung: Believed Unconscious consisted of two parts –Personal: painful/threatening memories that are repressed (complexes) –Collective: archetypes passed down through the species, explaining similarities between cultures Ex: universal fear of the dark; importance of the circle Alfred Adler: focused on the conscious role of the ego, believed people were motivated by two things: –Inferiority: fear of failure –Superiority: desire to achieve Also, first to research the importance of birth order on personality and development.
Psychodynamic Therapy
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