NAERG / Haz-Ops “Refresher” Updated March, 2013 Created by: Lt Jerry Hughes
Introduction to hazardous materials NFPA hazmat regulations Accessing hazmat information DOT Emergency Response Guidebook (ERG) Fire Department response to hazmat calls
Prior to the 1940’s most commonly recorded disasters were linked to uncontrollable natural events likes floods, fires and earthquakes. Modern society has now also been confronted with unnatural calamities associated with a variety of chemical, petroleum and nuclear products. These products are collectively referred to as hazardous materials.
Plastics Rubber Paints Fertilizers Pesticides Solvents Detergents Fuels Medicines
Humans depend heavily upon these items for our own comfort, enjoyment and survival. However, when these products become involved in fires or other emergency incidents they can create massive amounts of damage. This could result in human harm or death… It is the job of the fire service to understand how to deal with these hazardous materials in order to reduce community damages and fatalities.
A hazardous material is any substance or combination of substances that is potentially damaging to health, well-being, or the environment. There are seven general classes of hazardous materials: Flammable materials Spontaneously ignitable materials Explosives Oxidizers Corrosive materials Toxic materials Radioactive materials
These are solid, liquid, vapor or gaseous materials that ignite easily and burn rapidly when exposed to an ignition source Examples include: Commercial solvents (like toluene and ethanol) Dusts (like flour and finely dispersed powders of aluminum or other metals) Fuels (like gasoline and natural gas)
Solid or liquid materials that ignite spontaneously without an exposure to an ignition source. Examples include: White phosphorus Aluminum alkyl compounds
Chemical substances that detonate. Detonation is usually initiated by a shock or the localized concentration of heat. Examples include Dynamite TNT (trinitrotoluene)
Substances that generate oxygen at room temperature, or when exposed to heat. This can result in a fire or explosion. Examples include: Ammonium nitrate Dibenzoyl peroxide
Substances that cause adverse health effects or death in individuals who are exposed to relatively small doses. Examples include: Carbon monoxide
Substances that emit radiation. When exposed to radiation it may result in adverse health effects or death. Examples include: Uranium
The NFPA has developed a system for rapidly identifying potentially hazardous materials. This system is called the NFPA 704 Hazmat Marking System, and uses a combination of colors and numbers to inform first responders of the potential dangers of various hazardous materials. Facilities that transport, store, or use hazardous materials in their daily operations are required to place placards on all shipping and storage containers that contain hazardous materials.
This system is a diamond placard that is broken down into 4 quadrants. Each quadrant is a different color, representing different hazards that are associated with any specific chemical. Inside each quadrant is a number from 0-4, signifying the severity of that hazard. 0 means no hazard and 4 means maximum hazard
The diamond on the left side is colored blue, representing a chemicals health hazard. 0= materials that on exposure would offer no hazard beyond that of an ordinary combustible material. 1= materials that on exposure would cause irritation but only minor residual injury, even if no treatment was given. 2= materials that on intense or continued exposure could cause temporary incapacitation or possible residual injury, unless prompt medical treatment was given. 3= materials that on short exposure could cause serious temporary or residual injury, even though prompt medical treatment was given. 4= materials that on very short exposure could cause death or major residual injury, even though prompt medical treatment was given.
The diamond on the top is colored red, representing the chemicals fire hazard. 0= materials that will not burn. 1= materials that must be preheated before ignition can occur. 2= materials that must be moderately heated or exposed to relatively high ambient temperatures before ignition can occur. 3= liquids and solids that can be ignited under almost all ambient temperature conditions. 4= materials that will rapidly or completely vaporize at atmospheric pressure and normal ambient temperature, or that are readily dispersed in air, and will burn readily.
The diamond on the right is colored yellow, representing the chemicals reactivity hazard. 0= materials that by themselves are normally stable, even under fire exposure conditions, and which are not reactive with water. 1= materials that by themselves are normally stable, but which can become unstable at elevated temperatures and pressures or which may react with water with some release of energy, but not violently. 2= materials that by themselves are normally unstable and readily undergo violent chemical change, but do not detonate. Also, materials that may react violently with water or may form potentially explosive mixtures with water.
3= materials that by themselves are capable of detonation or explosive reaction but require a strong initiating source or that must be heated under confinement before initiation, also may react explosively with water. 4= materials that by themselves are readily capable of detonation or explosive decomposition or reaction at normal temperatures and pressures.
The diamond on the bottom is colored white, and may have different symbols inside of it, representing different hazards associated with that chemical. No symbol means there are no additional threats to worry about. A three bladed propeller means that the chemical has a radiation hazard. The letter “W” with a line drawn through it is advising not to apply water to the chemical. The letters “OXY” indicate that the material is an oxidizer (it will help other things burn).
Remember, even though this marking system is very helpful for initially determining what types of hazards a specific chemical has, it does not tell you the name of the chemical or any more detailed information. Whenever there is a hazmat incident, you must use all resources available to you to determine the exact chemical and all of its hazards.
If the hazmat incident is at a building, often times there is a manager or other employee who can tell you exactly what you are dealing with, and how much of the material is involved. If the incident has happened on a road, train track, or other travel routes, then the truck driver or engineer should have shipping documents with them. These documents can be found: In the cab of a motor vehicle In the possession of a train crew member In a holder on the bridge of a ship In the possession of an aircraft pilot
Shipping documents are papers that provide vital information about items that are being shipped. It includes such information as: The materials name The hazard class of the material Material ID number A description of the hazards of the material and the proper way to mitigate an incident involving that material
Some transportation vehicles will have a placard with a 4 digit number on it. This number can be referenced in hazmat manuals to find the exact name and properties of a material. Call a 24 hour emergency response service to obtain updated information on how to deal with any type of hazardous material. Their contact information can be found on the inside back cover of your Emergency Response Guidebook. These companies include: CHEMTREC CHEM-TEL INFOTRAC 3E COMPANY THE POISON CONTROL CENTER THE MILITARY (if involving a military shipment)
This guidebook is available on every fire engine and aid car… Guidebooks are located in the front cab of each engine. All Chief Officers should also have a copy in their vehicles. It is primarily a guide to aid first responders in quickly identifying the specific or generic hazards of the material(s) involved in an incident, and protecting themselves and the general public during the initial phase of the incident (30 minutes).
This guidebook will assist responders in making initial decisions upon arriving at the scene of a dangerous goods/hazmat incident. It should not be considered as a substitute for emergency response training, knowledge, or sound judgment. It does not address all possible circumstances that might be encountered at a hazmat incident. It is primarily designed for use at an incident occurring on a highway or railroad. It may have only limited value at an incident in a fixed-facility location…
Click the link below to view a video about how to use the Emergency Response Guidebook. *If the video does not automatically open, then you will need to click on the “videos” tab, then the “hazmat” tab, and finally “The emergency response guidebook 2008” video.)
When responding to an incident that may potentially involve hazardous materials, always approach cautiously from upwind (and uphill whenever possible). Resist the urge to rush in and remember that others can’t be helped until the scene has been fully assessed.
Secure the scene. Without entering the immediate hazard area, isolate the area and assure the safety of people and the environment. Keep people away from the scene and outside of the safety perimeter. Identify the hazards by looking for placards or shipping papers or by talking to people who are knowledgeable about the materials involved. Create a plan and determine what your initial risks might be.
Assess the situation. Consider the following: Is there a fire, spill or leak? What are the weather conditions? What is the terrain like? Who/what is at risk: people, property, or the environment? What actions should be taken (use your plan)? Is an evacuation necessary? Is diking necessary? What resources (human and equipment) are required, and are they readily available? What can be done/needs to be done immediately to mitigate the situation?
Obtain help. Seek assistance from the Eastside Hazmat Team… Consider possible site entry for the hazmat team? Any efforts made to rescue persons, protect property or the environment must be weighed against the possibility that you could become part of the problem. Firefighters should enter the area only when wearing appropriate protective gear. Respond in an appropriate manner. Establish incident command and lines of communication. Rescue casualties if possible and evacuate if necessary. Maintain control of the site. Continually reassess the situation and modify your plans accordingly. *Your first duty is to consider the safety of the people in the immediate area, including your own.
Above all- do not walk into or touch any spilled material unless absolutely necessary… Avoid inhalation of fumes, smoke and vapors. Do not assume that gases or vapors are harmless because of a lack of smell. Odorless gases or vapors may be extremely hazardous. Make quality risk management decisions… Don’t hesitate to call for help… In the event you become contaminated or exposed = DECON!!!
eTxY eTxY Utilizing the ESHMT (7) steps and the 2012 ERG Guide; develop an action plan. Consider the incident priorities – 1) Life Safety, 2) Incident Stabilization, 3) Environment Conservation… *FYI* – The sedan parked in the left lane is occupied with two elderly folks. What are you going to do for them?
Congratulations - You’ve made it this far, survived the “Hazmat Highway to Hell” incident. Utilizing the 2012 ERG, the information contained within this PPT, complete the attached written exam. * Your practical exam will be in June…