Caleb Walter
iPhone style charger Malware channel Exploit Vehicle CAN network Create Covert Channel at Public Charging Stations Custom Arduino CAN EVSE Basic Concept
Three Georgia Tech researchers designed charger in 1 week Normal chargers only contain transformers This charger contains small computer running Linux Iphone Malware Charger
Linux delivers payload when Phone is plugged in Must be unlocked by User Takes advantage of multiple Apple security flaws UDID query to send to apple web Page Bypassed App Vetting by hiding Malicious Code using Covert Channel Iphone Malware Charger (Cont.)
Development began in 1983 at Robert Bosch GmbH Officially Released in 1986 by SAE in Detroit. First CAN Chips produced and installed in 1987 Intel CAN bus History
Can 2.0 Designed and released in 1991 Improved CAN Data Link Layer in 2012 CAN FD – ISO CAN 2.0 included in all OBD II Vehicles OBD II mandatory for all cars and trucks sold in the USA since 1996 CAN Bus History
Controller Area Network Message Based Protocol for vehicles Allows microcontrollers and devices to communicate without host computer Vehicle CAN Basics
CAN Standard Format 11-bit Header ID for Manufacturer Proprietary protocols CAN Format
SOF – Start of Frame Identifier – UID w/ Priority RTR – Remote Transmission Request IDE – CAN vs. Can Extended DLC – Data Length Code (This is the Paylod Location) CRC – Cycle Redundancy Check ACK – Acknowledge EOF – End of Frame CAN Frame
CAN Bus Network
Electronic Control Units: Control various parts of the vehicles electronics Engine Control ABS Radio Doors Reprogrammable for Manufacture Updates ECUs
8 Bytes available to modify in Data Code Frame Hide coding within Data Layer through basic Obfuscation Technique Can pass along payloads or other messages with this 8 byte space The Covert Channel
When Vehicle Plugs into charge, various data transmission happen OBD II ECU to Charging Station Computer CAN Network messages exchange between Battery ECU and Charger Computer Charging Handshake for Electronic Cars
Custom Arduino/Raspberry PI/ BeagleBoard Plugged into EV Charging station via Cat5 Communication Port Injects custom code into EV Handshake CAN Controller Libraries for Code MCP2515 SPI Hacking the Charger
Interrupts Handshake ECU process with Obfuscates code to prevent Message Anomaly Detection and CRC check Transmits message through SAE J1772 Charger Port Hacking the Charger (Cont)
Can potentially modify any ECU Controlled system in the car Make Radio display custom messages Max out Speedo and Tacho even when sitting Cut Brakes (Not recommended…) Extra Fun!
8416 Electronic Charging Stations in USA Most Charging Stations use the same CAN and ECU checks Most also use same charging type and plug type 67,295 Electronic Vehicles in the US May 2013 Statistics Potential Outreach
Firewalls within the CAN Network Vehicle IPS for CAN Network Physical Intrusion Detection on EV Charger CAN Bus update for slack code prevention Potential Prevention
Target most popular Charging Stations in US Implement Arduinos into EV Stations Infect/Pass communication between as many cars as possible. Implementation Goal