Travel Data Collection and Reporting GSA, Office of Governmentwide Policy GSA, Federal Acquisition Service.


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Presentation transcript:

Travel Data Collection and Reporting GSA, Office of Governmentwide Policy GSA, Federal Acquisition Service

Agenda Purpose: To revisit annual regulatory reporting requirements and tools available to support data collection and submission 1. OGP: Travel Reporting Requirements – Premium Class Travel – Senior Federal Travel Report – Travel Reporting Information Profile – Web-based submission tools 2. FAS: Travel Data Reporting Tools – Premium Class Travel – Travel Reporting Information Profile – Additional report services 2

OGP: Travel Reporting Requirements 3

Travel Reporting GSA is required to collect agency travel data. 1.When a Federal traveler on official travel acquires other than coach-class (first and business class) transportation accommodations, Premium Class Travel Report (PCTR), orPremium Class Travel Report (PCTR) 2.When a senior Federal official uses a government-owned aircraft for official travel, Senior Federal Traveler Report (SFTR), orSenior Federal Traveler Report (SFTR) 3.To meet statutory requirements to collect and analyze agencies’ travel spend, Travel Reporting Information Profile (TRIP). Travel Reporting Information Profile (TRIP) 4

Premium Class Travel Report (PCTR) 5 Authority: Collecting First Class Travel: Office of Management and Budget’s Bulletin NO , titled Fiscal Responsibility and Reducing Perquisites, Dated April 19, Data Collected: Agency Name, Traveler’s Last and First Name Travel ( Origin, Destination ) and Dates Exception Code and Travel Purpose Code Premium Fare and Coach Fare Who: Applies to travel by all officers and employees of the Executive branch and others when they travel in support of agency programs at taxpayer expense. When: Annually, at the close of each fiscal year, for previous the fiscal year

Senior Federal Travel Report (SFTR) 6 Authority: Office of Management and Budget Circular A-126, Improving the Management and Use of Government Aircraft, Dated May Data Collected: Agency; Traveler’s Name; Traveler’s type: (Federal, non-Federal); Approving Official, Title, Date, Trip Start and End Dates Purpose of travel: (Official, Personal, or Political) Travel Justification Costs: Reimbursable, Applicable City-Pair cost, and Government cost Aircraft registration number, Aircraft Agency, and Destinations Who: Applies to all government–owned, leased, chartered and rental aircraft and related services operated by Executive Agencies except of aircraft while in use by or in support of the President or Vice President. When: Agencies submit data every six months

Travel Reporting Information Profile (TRIP) 7 Authority: Title 5 U.S.C (c) sets the requirements for GSA to report to the Office of Management and Budget on agency travel spend. Data Collected: Travel by Purpose Codes for Emergency, Mission, Special Agency Mission, Conference (Other than training) and Training Including costs for all transportation modes, and Lodging All Temporary Duty (short term and long term) costs and counts will be reported. Exclude any permanent change of station / relocation costs or counts TRIP reports on all agency TDY including overseas travel to foreign areas Who: Agencies spending $5 million or more for travel in the previous fiscal year for all travel (domestic/international), must report to GSA. When: Annually, at the close of each fiscal year, for previous the fiscal year

Travel Reporting Web-Based Tools Tools can be found at: 8 PCTRPCTR addresses the requirement that federal agencies report the use of other than coach- class transportation accommodations (first and business-class) by their federal employees while on official business. SFTRSFTR is designed to assist agencies and departments in reporting their senior Federal travelers’ use of government aircraft for official business. TRIPTRIP was created to meet the GSA statutory requirement to collect and analyze agencies’ travel spend. User access is controlled by GSA. Please for access



Travel Reporting Assistance Information on PCTR, SFTR, and TRIP can be found at : Travel Reporting Tools: Questions : 11

FAS: Travel Data Reporting Tools 12

Travel Reporting GSA/FAS manages a data environment that supports efficient collection and submission of 2/3 OGP reporting requirements. 1.When a Federal traveler on official travel acquires other than coach-class (first and business class) transportation accommodations, Premium Class Travel Report (PCTR), orPremium Class Travel Report (PCTR) 2.When a senior Federal official uses a government-owned aircraft for official travel, Senior Federal Traveler Report (SFTR), orSenior Federal Traveler Report (SFTR) 3.To meet statutory requirements to collect and analyze agencies’ travel spend, Travel Reporting Information Profile (TRIP). Travel Reporting Information Profile (TRIP) 13

Premium Class Travel Report (PCTR) 14 Validate and Verify Submit

Travel Reporting Information Profile (TRIP) 15 Validate and Verify Submit

Additional Report Products Reporting is also available to help agencies meet annual CO2 reporting requirements – Advanced CO2 calculation methodology estimates emissions from air travel and car travel – Aligns with report requirements Much more: spend reduction tools, travel management reports, and more… 16

Questions / Contact For GSA Travel Management Information System questions or to request a demo or an account: 17