I’m Showin’ A Pig! Atascocita FFA
What Do I Need? 1 – Supply Box (lockable) 1 – Feed Scoop 1/2 – Show Sticks (one to practice) 1 – Bucket 1 – Brush 1-Water Sprayer 1 – Clip on Feeder 1 – Watering Nipple
Lockable Supply Box Any box to lock your feed and show supplies up at the barn. Can be purchased from Home Depot, Wal-Mart, etc.
Feed Scoop Cost around $4 Any feed store You MUST weigh the feed scoop empty, then fill with feed and weigh again. This will determine how much the FEED weighs
Practice Show Stick Very Durable Made of Fiberglass Cost around $7 Most feed stores
Show Stick This is the actual show stick Not durable Not needed until January Cost around $14 Any Feed Store
Feed Bucket You need this for mixing feeds and hauling water sometimes Cost around $5 Any feed store
Brush You will need to use this to clean your pig (and carry in the show ring-in your back pocket or belt) Cost about $7 Any feed store, Wal-Mart, etc.
Clip on Feeder This is the recommended feeder Cost around $15 Pigs need to eat with their heads slightly elevated to strengthen neck muscles. Periodically elevate feeder and waterer as the pig grows. Cost around $15 Most feed store will carry this
My Pig’s Hungry Moorman’s Show Pig Feed Just one option-we’ll use as an example Approx $15 - $20 per bag Available at most feed stores-but call ahead to make sure they have the exact feed you will need! Do not wait until you run out of feed to go to the store unannounced and expect them to have it in stock every time.
Starter/Grower Rations MoorMan’s® ShowTec Starter/Grower LN/FBZ No. 11148AE Designed for feeding to Show Pigs weighing 25 to 75 lb for 3-12 days Provides 20% crude protein, 3.5% fat, and 1.2% lysine; mini-pellet Medicated with Lincomix®* (lincomycin) and Safe-Guard®* (a dewormer)
Starter/Grower Rations MoorMan’s® ShowTec Starter/Grower TY No. 11273AB Designed for feeding to Show Pigs weighing 50 lb to show weight Provides 20% crude protein, 3.5% fat, and 1.2% lysine; 3/16" pellet Medicated with Tylan®* (tylosin); no withdrawal
Starter/Grower Rations MoorMan’s ShowTec Starter/Grower WDC No. 272AE Designed for feeding to Show Pigs weighing 15 to 75 lb Provides 20% crude protein, 3.5% fat, and 1.2% lysine; mini-pellet Medicated with Mecadox® (carbadox) and Banminth® (a dewormer); 10 week withdrawal. Do not feed to swine weighing more than 75 lbs
How Will I Feed My Pig? You will feed by WEIGHT, NOT SCOOPS Weigh your scoop empty, fill with feed and weigh again. Subtract the empty weight from the full weight to determine how much the feed weighs. Pigs will generally eat 3% of their body weight per day Feed twice daily if possible, the hotter it is the less they will eat
Feeding Supplements We will determine if a supplement is needed about 45-60 days out from show, depending on your animal’s progress You must weigh regularly and track its growth so that we know how the animal is progressing Supplements can help boost appetite, muscle growth or fat cover
Water, Water, Water Your pig MUST have clean, fresh water available 24 hours a day. At the show monitor feed and water intake Since water contributes to the largest percentage of muscle tissue weight, do not restrict water intake.
Feed Only Goes So Far… You must exercise and train your animal for the show ring We will have showmanship clinics and a progress show to help you prepare You need to practice on your own every day to improve your skills and the pig’s potential Go watch a pig show somewhere, come to the clinics and progress show-it WILL help! Walking the pig frequently will help you gain control and train it not to run. Do not run with a pig. Try to get in front of the pig to turn it before it runs. The exercise area needs to be a wide open, dirt space to simulate a show ring.
Where Are The Feed Stores? DAYTON FARM & RANCH SUPPLY 605 E HWY 90 DAYTON, TX 77535 (16 miles) 936 258-9891 deidra_cessna@hotmail.com HIEDEN FEED & SUPPLY 14403 STUEBNER AIRLINE RD HOUSTON, TX 77069 (20 miles) 281 444-1010 MY FEED STORE & MORE 17184 FM 3083 CONROE, TX 77302 (21 miles) 936 231-1184 noah.ray@sbcglobal.net GULF TEX FEED STORE 6406 SPENCER PASADENA, TX 77505 (24 miles) 281 998-7177
Where Are The Feed Stores? DOUBLE J FEED & TACK 15334 BOUDREAUX #3 TOMBALL, TX 77375 (28 miles) 281 516-1303 DEBCO FEED & SHOW SUPPLY PO BOX 834 FRIENDSWOOD, TX 77549 (32 miles) 281 331-9550 ccbdebco@aol.com CIRCLE S HARDWARE & FEED 27206 F M 2978 MAGNOLIA, TX 77354 (32 miles) 281 356-7970 circle_s_hardware@directway.com Town and Country Feed 102 S Railroad Ave Humble, TX, 77338 (281) 446-2440
A Healthy Pig is a Happy Pig It is important to maintain the health of your animal De-wormer is NECESSARY!!! Monthly (30-45 days) Alternate each deworming (example:) Month one: Ivomec Month two: Safe-guard Month three: Ivomec Etc… Medication Refer to product labels for drug claims; contact your local veterinarian for recommendations.
How Do I Look? Hair and Skin Care White pigs need to be washed weekly and kept out of the sun. Thirty days before the show date begin washing pigs daily. DO NOT PUT OIL ON WHITE HOGS. Dark pigs need to be washed weekly. Keep oil or conditioner on their skin to prevent drying and cracking. Brush the pig daily with a coarse brush in the same direction the hair grows.
I Need a Haircut Clipping Suggestions Wait until two or three days prior to the show before clipping the pig. A fresh haircut always looks best. Clip the pig’s face, underneath the neck, and the belly with a #00 guard. Use a #1 guard on the rest of the pig’s body. Clip the tail with a #00 guard down to the tip. Lastly, blend all the different lengths of hair together.
Which Pig is Right For Me?! What am I looking for on Oct 5th? What is the judge looking for in February?
Meat Your animal is a Market Animal This means we want meat The best hogs are the ones with the most lean muscle!
We Want a Large Frame Long Body
We Like ‘Em Big Boned!
Wide Load is a Good Thing
I Like Big… (you get it)
Showin’ Off the Muscles
Selecting a Show Pig… http://www.admani.com/AllianceShowFeeds/Videos/Selecting%20a%20Show%20Pig.htm http://www.admani.com/AllianceShowFeeds/Videos/Structural%20Deficiencies%20Show%20Pig.htm
REMINDER Feed stores run out of feed!! Tell them in advance what you are going to be feeding and ask them to keep it in stock!
How Can I Help? I am here to help, but if you can’t answer my questions about your pig, I don’t have any advice for you Keep a notebook or spiral in your box at the barn track the pig’s weight every 2 weeks, then weekly note when you deworm too Don’t wait until the week before show to tell me your pig only weighs 180 pounds! Show rules state the pig must weigh between 230-290 pounds (we want around 270)