SLIP Wizard: Creating New Business………. 33 Entering Policy, Insured and Insurer Details.. 55 Entering Coverage and Fees………………… 77 Add More Details and Save Policy…….……. 88 Adding/Uploading Documents……………….. 99 Online SL-1 and SL-2 Forms………………… 1111 Online Diligent Search Report…………… Table of Contents
To create a new policy, click Create New Business Policy. 3 SLIP Wizard: Creating New Business Policy
4 Creating New Business Policy The Standard Policy is default for all new policies. If your policy falls under one of the categories listed, click the radio button next to the correct policy type. ◦ A master policy is a single contract issued on a group basis with certificates of insurance issued to the policyholders. ◦ A multi-state policy covers a risk that resides in more than one state. ◦ An exempt commercial purchaser/commercial insured (ECP/CI) is an insured that meets three requirements and the policy is exempt from a diligent search. (Refer to California Insurance Code (CIC), Section (b))
5 Creating New Business Wizard: Policy, Insured and Insurer Details Policy and Insured Details Enter the information on the policy details and insured details sections. If the insured is a person, enter the last name first, then first name (e.g. SMITH JOHN).
6 Creating New Business Wizard: Policy, Insured and Insurer Details (cont.) Insurer Details If the policy is written with one insurer, select the insurer from the drop-down. ◦ If the insurer does not appear on the drop-down, you can enter the insurer name in the field. If your policy is written by more than one insurer, select Multiple Insurer. ◦ You will be required to upload a copy of the multiple insurer list.
Coverages & Fees Select the Coverage Type from the drop down menu to refine the Coverage Code menu to those coverages that fall under that category. Enter the premium next to the coverage code. If the policy has more than three coverages, click the plus button to add more coverage. (The plus button is located above the Coverage Type header.) 7 Create New Business Wizard: Coverage and Fees For policies with taxable fees, check the box in the middle column next to the taxable fee, and enter the fee amount. (To add more fees, click the plus button above the Fee Name.)
8 Create New Business Wizard: Add More Details and Save Policy You can add your late filing explanation by clicking on the plus button. You can review for alerts and save the transaction to your account at this point. Select the Next to upload/add the required documents.
9 Creating New Business Wizard: Adding/ Uploading Documents California requires that the policy declaration page accompany the policy on all new business submissions. Select Upload forms or documents from my computer to upload files from your computer. You can choose to complete the SL-1, SL-2, and GAP forms online or upload completed copies. ◦ I f you complete the forms online you do not need to upload the paper forms. Original copies of the signed forms must still be maintained by your brokerage per Section of the California Code of Regulations.
10 Creating New Business Wizard: Adding/ Uploading Documents (cont.) If you do not complete the online forms, you will need to upload electronic versions of the completed documents. Browse your files, select the documents from your files, and click Upload. Check the box next to the documents you will be uploading. ◦ Remember that only documents less than 10MB and in a TIFF, PDF, PNG, PDF/A, or JPG/JPEG format will be successfully uploaded.
11 Online Confidential Report of Placement - Section 1 Section 1 If you have selected the Complete SL 1 Form Online link: Enter the placing broker’s first and last name, or Select a transactor from a drop-down list of transactors created by your master user. ◦ If you select a transactor from the drop-down list, the broker’s license number will populate with the license you have on file.
12 Online Confidential Report of Placement – Section 2 Section 2 The information entered on the policy details screen will be transferred to the corresponding fields on this form. Enter any information not entered in the policy entry screen, such as the description and location of risk. If the location of risk is the same as the insured’s address, check Same as Above next to Location of Risk field. ◦ If there is more than one location of risk, check the box Various underneath the Same as Above box.
13 Online Confidential Report of Placement - Sections 3 through Date of Signature Section 3 Coverage and insurer is carried forward from the policy details screen. Once the form has been completed, complete both the Date of Signature field and check the box under the Signature line. Click Review for Alerts to see if there was any information missing that might create a violation and tag. Click Save. You will then be returned to the Add Document screen.
14 Online Diligent Search Report - Sections 1-4 Section 1 If you have selected the Complete SL-2 Form Online Link: ◦ Enter the placing broker’s first and last name, or ◦ Select a transactor from a drop-down list of transactors created by your master user. ◦ If you select a transactor from the drop-down list, the broker’s license number will populate with the license you have on file. Section 2 The information entered on the SL-1 form will be transferred over to the corresponding fields on this form. Sections 3 and 4 These sections only need to be completed if the questions pertain to the type of coverage for section 3 or type of insured for section 4.
15 Online Diligent Search Report - Sections 5 through 6(B) Section 5 If the policy was placed with a risk purchasing group (RPG), you would enter the name and address of the RPG. You will need to determine if the RPG was registered with California, and if the insurer writing the risk was authorized under the RPG. Section 6(A) Enter the diligent search effort to place the risk with an admitted carrier. Section 6(B) Enter If someone other than the person named on line 1 performed the diligent search, enter the first and last name of the unlicensed individual who actually conducted the search.
16 Online Diligent Search Report - Section 7(A) Section 7(A) If 7(A) was answered yes because the risk was submitted to at least three admitted carriers, you will need to complete the table on 7(B). ◦ Click Yes and the table will show a pencil/paper icon on the left side of each row. ◦ Click the icon to display the details required for each admitted carrier. ◦ When all the fields in the row are completed, click the check mark to save the information and return to the next row.
17 Online Diligent Search Report - Sections 7(B) through Date of Signature Section 7(B) If 7(B) was answered no because the risk was not submitted to at least three admitted carriers, you will skip the table and complete section 8(A) and 8(B) or 8(C). Complete both the Date of Signature field and check the box under the Signature line. Click Save to save the data entry.