By Matheus Vasconcellos, Miguel Urrea and Esteban Gomez
Introduction This game is a probability game. This game is worth because if you win you will receive 4x the price you bet. The chances of winning can be high because you can bet 4 numbers. People play this game to have fun and to try to earn money. This game is a fair game because when people bet 4 colors the chances of winning are 50% and if you win you will receive twice the price you bet. This unique game is a marvelous casino game.
Materials Screws Wood Colors Straw
Rules You can only Spin once. All the times you spin, you need to spin with the same force. Pay the cost of the game. The only person that can spin are the owners.
Procedure Pay 6 dollar to play. Choose the color or colors you want to bet (maximum 4 colors.) The owners will spin once. If someone wins the owner of the game will give that person the money according to how many numbers that person bet.
Price If you choose 1 colors you will win 6 times the price you bet. If you choose 2 colors you will win 4 times the price you bet. If you choose 3 colors you will win 3 times the price you bet. If you choose 4 colors you will win 2 times the price you bet.
Probability Theorical probability. The theoretical the probability is 12.5% is you choose only one color. If you choose 4 colors the theorical probability will be 50%. If you choose 2 colors the theorical probability will be 24.5% If you choose 3 colors the theorical probability will be 36.5¨% Experimental probabilities: Yellow-6, Pink-6, Red-3, Purple-6, Blue-6, Green-6, Orange-5, White-2
Report To play this game you will have to pay $6. To win x5 of what you paid would be 12.5 or 1 out of 8. To win x4 of what you paid would be 25% or 1 out of 4. To win x3 of what you paid would be 37.5% or 3 out of 8. To win x2 of what you paid would be 50% or 4 out of 8.
Why Our game should be chosen and you should play it because first, it is really cool and really fun. Second, it is a fair game, starting with the comparison of what the school would make ($) and whay you would gain if you win the game.