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Presentation transcript:


Need for Harmonised Spectrum Allocations While each country is free to chose its own radio spectrum frequency allocations, it is clear there are many benefits from adopting a harmonized radio spectrum either regionally or even globally. The benefits include:  Rational use of the spectrum  Reduction of interference  Cheaper equipment for both terminal equipment and CPE  Enables future planning

Radio Frequency Bands The radio frequency spectrum extends from 3 KHz (ELF) to 300 GHz (EHF). This spectrum has been broken down into frequency bands which have different characteristics. The different bands of the radio spectrum are allocated for different radio transmission technologies and applications.  The discussion today will focus on the VHF Band (30–300 MHz) and the UHF Band (300–3000 MHz)  The VHF Band is typically used for television and FM broadcast, line-of-sight ground-to-aircraft and aircraft-to-aircraft communications, land mobile and maritime mobile communications  The UHF Band is typically used for Television broadcasts, Trunking communications, Cellular (Mobile phones), wireless LANs and two-way radios such as land mobile.

APT Wireless Group 700 MHZ Band Plan The APT Wireless Group (AWG) is a specialist work program Group dealing with various aspects of emerging wireless systems including IMT to meet the upcoming digital convergence era in the Asia-Pacific region.  Pursue effective solutions in the Asia-Pacific region to meet the rapid movements towards digital convergence  Study spectrum sharing methodologies, spectrum harmonization and to provide advice that countries' can use in frequency band planning. As countries started digitising television services thus making the recovery of a portion of the analogue TV spectrum bandwidth possible, the 700MHz band was considered as an ideal band for future low band LTE requirements.  AWG developed an APT Report on “IMPLEMENTATION ISSUES ASSOCIATED WITH USE OF THE BAND MHZ BY MOBILE SERVICES” in  Officially standardised by 3GPP as Band 28

APT Wireless Group 700 MHZ Band Plan The APT Report on “IMPLEMENTATION ISSUES ASSOCIATED WITH USE OF THE BAND MHZ BY MOBILE SERVICES” in  It is a very detailed and very technical report some 28 pages long. A copy of the report can be found at: Presence/AsiaPacific/Pages/Events/2015/July-ITU-APT-Fiji/Pacific-SM- Training-2015.aspxhttp:// Presence/AsiaPacific/Pages/Events/2015/July-ITU-APT-Fiji/Pacific-SM- Training-2015.aspx  This report has been adopted by many administrations since that time.

SOUTH ASIAN TELECOMMUNICATIONS REGULATORS' COUNCIL (SATRC)  The South Asian Telecommunications Regulators' Council (SATRC) consists of nine regulatory bodies from South Asian countries. The countries are Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Islamic Republic of Iran, Maldives, Nepal, Pakistan and Sri Lanka.  In May 2013, SATRC endorsed countries the adoption of the APT 700 MHz frequency band plan (2 x 45 MHz), as included in the latest version of ITU-R Recommendation M on IMT frequency arrangements.  The SATRC members, are committed to working as equal partners in order to fulfill the tremendous potential of the APT 700 MHz Band Plan and to accelerate transition from analog to digital broadcast TV services in 700 MHz band (where applicable) which will free up this spectrum for its highest value use, which is the mobile broadband.

Brunei Darussalam, Indonesia, Malaysia and Singapore to Align With the APT 700 MHz Band Plan At the Infocomm Media Business Exchange 2013, Brunei Darussalam, Indonesia, Malaysia and Singapore pledged commitment to align with the Asia Pacific Telecommunity 700 MHz (APT 700 MHz) Band Plan  Indonesia recognised the demand for greater mobile broadband services flexibility and has strongly supported the APT 700 MHz band plan since the initiation of band harmonisation in Asia Pacific. Dr Muhammad Budi Setiawan, Director General of DG SDPPI noted, "This is also in line with the current regulation of our Master Plan for Digital Television, which allocates the MHz for digital dividend in Indonesia."  The APT 700 MHz band plan aims to align and optimise the use of the freed broadcast spectrum after the analogue switch off, allowing greater flexibility for the deployment of mobile broadband services, using technologies such as 4G

Pacific to align with the APT 700 MHz Band Plan In 2013, the 6 th APT Policy and Regulation Forum for Pacific (PRFP) issued a Policy Statement to align with the Asia Pacific Telecommunity 700 MHz (APT 700 MHz) Band Plan.  The membership of PRFP consists of the following sixteen countries in the Pacific region which are Australia, Cook Islands, Federated States of Micronesia, Fiji, Kiribati, Marshall Islands, Nauru, New Zealand, Niue, Palau, Papua New Guinea, Samoa, Solomon Islands, Tonga, Tuvalu, and Vanuatu.  The PRFP noted that the frequency range below 1 GHz is preferred for deployment of cellular mobile systems due to its favourable propagation characteristics. It is particularly suitable for rural or sparsely populated areas where the cost constraints warrant installation of low cost infrastructure. The propagation characteristic of the 700 MHz band enables larger cell size and wider coverage due to lower foliage attenuation.

Global acceptance of the APT 700 MHz Band Plan (as at 2013) Acknowledgment to Telstra

Implementation of Digital Terrestrial Television Since 2012, several Pacific Islands countries started, with strong support from the ITU, the migration process from analogue to Digital Terrestrial Television (DTTV). These countries include Fiji, Nauru, Tonga and Vanuatu.  The preparatory work includes the band planning, research and feasibility.  The reasons for moving to Digital services include:  More efficient use of the spectrum freeing up spectrum for IMT  Better quality of broadcast  Eventually analogue content and technology will be obsolete leading to issues on the supply side if the migration is not made.  Fiji have already successfully conducted a trial

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