{ C# IDE Tips and Tricks for Visual Studio 2010 Kevin Pilch-Bisson C# IDE Dev Lead
Make you more PRODUCTIVE! Objective
{ Modern IDE Demo
Start Page Pin and remove recent projects “Close on solution load” checkbox Customizable Xaml file. New Project Dialog Sort templates Search templates (Ctrl+E) Multi-monitor support Move windows between monitors (Win+Shift+ ) Float/Dock tabs (Ctrl+DoubleClick) Close with Middle Click Close ToolWindows (Shift+Esc) Extension Manager Easily find/install/update extensions Modern IDE
{ Writing and modifying code Demo
Navigate To (Ctrl+,) IntelliSense suggestion Mode (Ctrl+Alt+Space) Highlight References (Ctrl+Shift+Up/Down) Go to Definiton (F12) Find all References (Shift+F12) Smart Tags (Ctrl+.) Rename, Generate From Usage, Implement Interface Error list (Ctrl+W, Ctrl+E and F8/Shift+F8) Override/Partial completion Pinnable DataTips IntelliTrace Writing and modifying code
{ Deep Insight Demo
Achitecture Explorer View all objects in solution, generate arbitrary diagrams Dependency Diagrams Overall view of system Custom grouping Butterfly view of methods Call Hierarchy (Ctrl+K, Ctrl+T) Deep Insight
{ CodeRush Xpress
Over 50 refactorings Introduce explaining variable Inline temporary Move type to file Navigation enhancements Camel Case navigation (Alt+Left/Right) Integrates with existing features Smart tags, etc. CodeRush Xpress
Visual Studio 2010 C# Developer Center C# 2010 Resources Keybindings posters shortcut-posters-now-available-for-vb-c-f-c.aspx shortcut-posters-now-available-for-vb-c-f-c.aspx shortcut-posters-now-available-for-vb-c-f-c.aspx C# Forums US/category/visualcsharp US/category/visualcsharp US/category/visualcsharp Bugs & Suggestions Resources
{ Q & A