12 tribes of Israel- 12 Apostles Christ chose these holy men to spread the faith Christ chooses us for a specific mission The Apostles by Joseph Ratzinger
name change- Kepha brother was Andrew fisherman – Fishers of Men Denied Christ three times received keys of the kingdom power to bind and loose sins First pope Peter
Simon Peter’s brother Fisherman previously a disciple of John the Baptist evangelist to Greeks suffered crucifixion on X- shaped cross Andrew
Evangelist “beloved apostle” brother of James the Greater only apostle not martyred wrote book of Revelation present at major events in Jesus’ life; Transfiguration, Agony in the garden prepared room for Last Supper with Peter only apostle to endure Jesus’ Passion and stay at foot of the cross took Mary into his home after dead of Christ; Ephesus John
one of the 3 important and privileged apostles (Peter, James, John) Agony in Garden, Transfiguration killed by sword – ordered by King Herod Agrippa James the Greater
always listed 5 th from town Bethsaida mediator between Greeks and Jesus Philip
name = God has given” possible evangelization into India flayed to death Bartholomew
“Doubting Thomas” 8 days after Easter, didn’t believe Christ was risen until placed finger in wounds relic of finger in Church of Holy Cross in Rome Thomas
Evangelist Levi tax collector Hebrew name = “gift of God” Mt 9:9 – Jesus met Matthew Matthew
-from Nazareth prominent role in Church of Jerusalem -Allowed converted Gentiles to be received into Church without being circumcised stoned James the Lesser
always listed with Simon below at the Last Supper, states “How is it that you will manifest yourself to us but not to the world?” Jude (Thaddaeus)
even if not part of the Zealot group, still had passionate attachment to Jewish identity Simon the Zealot
listed last betrayed Jesus with a kiss for 30 pieces of silver repentance fell into desperation and self- destruction Judas Iscariot
replaced Judas “enrolled with the eleven” witnessed some of the events of Jesus’ earthly life Matthias
Known as the 13 th apostle Evangelized western world Wrote epistles Beheaded St. Paul