Dokument21 “Zürcher Verkehrsverbund ZVV”: Lessons learned from 14 years of co-operation in regional transport in a transport association Thomas Portmann,


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Presentation transcript:

Dokument21 “Zürcher Verkehrsverbund ZVV”: Lessons learned from 14 years of co-operation in regional transport in a transport association Thomas Portmann, CEO Zurich Public Transport VBZ

2 S w i t z e r l a n d Kanton Zürich City of Zürich 100 km


4 Situation before 1990 VBZ and Sub-operators ships WVZ Sub-operators National railway company Local operators 41 public transport operators few co-ordination e.g. between railways and local bus operators no common strategic marketing need for multiple tickets when travelling throughout the Canton of Zurich


6 Organization since 1990 All operators joined in one transportation association new law on public transportation 1 transport authority decides on fares, strategy, financing, services 8 companies with market responsibility local operators


8 Organization of public transport throughout the Canton of Zurich Canton of Zurich Executive Council and Cantonal Council Guidelines for development, services and fares, budget 171 Municipalities Are consulted on fares, participate in schedule planning Zurich Transport Authority (ZVV) headed by the board of traffic Final decision on fares and services, finances, marketing, PR local operators 8 responsible transport operators S-Bahn, POST, SZU, VBG, VBZ, VZO, WV, ZSG


10 Achievements Co-ordination of services throughout the Canton Optimized travel chains for customers zone-based fare system one ticket for bus, tram, train, boat services, funiculars percent more passengers on commuter trains (S-Bahn) in 12 years „I am also a ship.“


12 Contributions Canton Zurich Revenue from ticket sales and sideline business (approx. 57%) Expenses Funding of public transport in the Canton of Zurich Contributions from communities Service level in community Defined by number of lines, frequency of departures, means of transport, etc. Financial power and tax level of community 20% 80%


14 Lessons learned If you want more passengers, offer them coordinated travel chains. Offer a simple fare system - 1 ticket for everything. A transportation association still offers place for independent transport companies. You need a clear regulation of financing and a division of tasks. Even if financing is regulated, you still need money. Promoting a common interest in a coordinated network can collide with single local interests. Therefore you can‘t succeed without political support.