Senior Citizen Problems List of common problems among seniors: Social Isolation Depression Health o Dementia o Alzheimer's o Arthiritis Economic crisis
Social Isolation a common occurrence in senior citizens usually occurs from seniors not feeling needed anymore people who have jobs feel they are contributing to society and are a necessary part of the system, but when people age and eventually retire, their primary work is not there anymore according to the AARP Foundation (American Association of Retired Persons), being socially isolated is worse for your health than smoking Caused by: o inability to get around o health problems deaf/blind diseases o depression o little interaction o little self-esteem o belief that he/she is not wanted
“At least 40,000 elderly people in care homes in England are living in social isolation", says BBC News.
Connection to other problems Social Isolation leads to negative changes to a senior's health, sleep, emotions, etc. "There is growing evidence that both loneliness and social isolation are related to biological processes that may increase health risk, including changes in immune and inflammatory processes and disruption of the stress-related hormones" (Andrew Steptoe, director of the Institute of Epidemiology and Health Care at University College, London)
Cycle of Social Isolation Everything is connected...
Basic Solutions for Social Isolation a number of solutions to tackle social isolation include: o finding hobbies o volunteering o talking with a therapist o classes However, only a portion of the senior population are benefited. Why are seniors still isolated? o Low Self-Esteem o Do not have transportation o Unable to keep up with modern technology
Students: senior buddy programs will be able to volunteer at senior centers help seniors learn computers/other skills Can talk to seniors through website Seniors: give talks in schools come in during homework center be mentors for clubs Can connect with students through website to help with concepts, problems, etc.
(Media) The media portrays most seniors as people who are either very boring to be around or as people with some type of social problem. Seniors are also made fun of in popular kid tv shows, like when they exercise.
Seniors and Students o A website will allow students to get help from seniors for schoolwork, projects, etc. o the students get help and the senior does not feel isolated. Seniors and Seniors o Seniors will be able to write about themselves and their interest o Other Seniors will be able to view these stories, and be able to contact these seniors.
Volunteering and Event Database o Students Volunteering with Seniors (Senior Buddy Programs, Senior Center Volunteering) o Seniors Seniors will be able to view events to involve themselves in the community based on interests
Technology o annual technology competition to create various things(robots, websites, etc.) to help seniors. There will also be seniors to help the students work on their projects
One may ask, "Aren't there other websites that help seniors connect?" However, websites with “similar motives and goals” were classified as dating sites. In fact, this solution is both innovative and useful because: a. It is very senior-friendly. b. It helps and includes the youth of today. c. It connects MANY age groups together, ranging from ages 8 to 95. d. It allows seniors to teach and volunteer in programs, and meet with others.
Everyone around the nation, the world, should care about this issue, because of the fact that we all came from a senior citizen, whether we know them or not. As shown, it is important for our generation to bridge the gap between the young and the old.
Evidence for Volunteering “Older volunteers are finding ways to use their lifetime of skills and experience to make an impact on issues they care about,” said Dr. Erwin Tan, director of Senior Corps, who serves as the expert U.S. source for the Salute to Senior Service program. “Whether they serve every day or a few times a year, older volunteers contribute to the health and vitality of their communities by tutoring students, providing job training to veterans, supporting independent living, or responding to natural disasters.” (Home Instead Inc, 2012). Also, the availability of more time now in their lives is just one of the reasons many senior citizens volunteer. More importantly, they want to be agents for change in their communities. According to this research, their motivations include: 99% want to help others 99% want to make a meaningful difference in their communities 99% want to provide assistance to causes they care about (Home Instead Inc, 2012) Lastly, senior volunteers say they experience significant health and emotional benefits from volunteering. Most (more than 90 percent) feel that seniors who volunteer are healthier and happier than those who do not volunteer. The specific personal benefits that keep seniors volunteering in the U.S.—according to Home Instead Senior Care network research—are: I gain a sense of purpose—98 percent I stay active and feel better physically—98 percent I feel better mentally and emotionally—98 percent I am able to overcome feeling isolated—74 percent I am able to overcome feeling depressed—70 percent (Home Instead Inc, 2012)