O hio School Funding Advisory Council Sub-Committee
O hio School Funding Advisory Council Educational Linkages: Sub-Committee Dr. Adrienne O’Neill (Chair), President, Stark Education Partnership Mr. Lynn Elfner, CEO, The Ohio Academy of Science Dr. Bill Hiller, Executive Director, Martha Holden Jennings Foundation Dr. Kathryn Lorenz, Board Member, Loveland City Schools Mr. Jack Pierson, Treasurer, Akron City Schools Dr. John Boggess, Superintendent, Miami Valley Career Technology Center Mr. Dave Plahuta, Treasurer, Polaris Career Center Mr. Steward Gibboney, C/T Teacher, Southwestern City Schools Mr. Tim Buschur, Director, Tri-Star Career Compact Dr. Judy Hennessy, Principal, Dayton Early College Academy Next Meeting – May 25, 2010
O hio School Funding Advisory Council Points to Address in a Career Technical EBM Comprehensive/Compacts 1.Weighted Funds 2.Designated line items of weighted amounts 3.Career Technical Core Teacher – [eliminate ratio 10/1] 4.Lead teacher definition expanded to include career/technical supervisor Career Centers 1.Weighted Funds 2.Address Parity Aid thru an Education Challenge Factor [ECF] 3.Career Technical Teacher = Core Teacher 4.Formula to apply to all delivery models example: all day ½ day satellite 5.Lead Teacher included career technical supervisor 6.Pupil Teacher ratio less than 25/1 7.Typology of 1 of 2 classification 8.Target Poverty Indicator 9.GRADS included in Family/Community Liaison 10.Associated Services 11.Growth Ability
O hio School Funding Advisory Council Educational Linkages: Sub-Committee Dr. Adrienne O’Neill (Chair), President, Stark Education Partnership Mr. Lynn Elfner, CEO, The Ohio Academy of Science Dr. Bill Hiller, Executive Director, Martha Holden Jennings Foundation Dr. Kathryn Lorenz, Board Member, Loveland City Schools Mr. Jack Pierson, Treasurer, Akron City Schools Dr. John Boggess, Superintendent, Miami Valley Career Technology Center Mr. Dave Plahuta, Treasurer, Polaris Career Center Mr. Steward Gibboney, C/T Teacher, Southwestern City Schools Mr. Tim Buschur, Director, Tri-Star Career Compact Dr. Judy Hennessy, Principal, Dayton Early College Academy Next Meeting – May 25, 2010