Easy as 1…2…3 $85$20$110 Wireless Hand Held Cheek Mic
Microphones Hand held wired mics are the least expensive and most dependable. Wireless mics are a better look and more flexible. There is a small chance of interference and drop out. They do cost more. Wireless cheek mics come in a light tone or a dark tone to blend with the skin. Easier to pick up voice verses other wireless mics.
Easy as 1…2…3 $75$100$30 Cherry podium Mahogany podium Contemporary podium
Podiums There are a variety of styles and prices. Mahogany podiums are the most expensive.
Easy as 1…2…3 $1000$500$ Lumen Video/Data Projector 5000 Lumen Video/Data Projector 3000 Lumen Video/Data Projector
LCD Projectors The brighter the bulb the more expensive the rental. Each bulb gets 300 to 500 hours of projection. A/V companies try to keep pairs of projectors together so they keep matching brightness as the bulbs are used. Front projection takes up less overall room and rear projection is a cleaner look. The brighter the bulb the longer the throw length.
Easy as 1…2…3 $350$30$ ½ x 10 Fast Fold screen with Full Dress Kit Tripod screen with skirt only5 different surfaces
Surfaces There are a variety of surfaces that you can project onto. Skirts and Dress kits add to the cost of the rental and they provide a clean look. The larger the screen surface the more it will cost. For large audiences adding plasma screens in the middle of the room adds a good look and helps the people in the back. Fast fold screens also cost more because it takes two people to put them together. One person can set up a tripod screen.
Easy as 1…2…3 $40$30$5.99 Multi Color LED lighting fixture flashlight Source Four Lighting fixture
Lighting LED lights have come onto the scene in recent years. LED lights are greener but more expensive. Initial higher cost but saves on energy and maintenance cost. LED lights have a longer life and lower heat output. Traditional lights put out 460 degrees vs 120 degrees with LEDS. LED lights are easier to focus and have stronger color intensity. Traditional lights create a more natural white light then LEDS. Traditional lights can create a spherical light source and LED’s can not.
Audio Visual RFP’s Make sure you are comparing apples to apples when you compare RFP’S. Remember that more than one piece of equipment can do the same job. Balance quality and cost. It’s easy as 1…2…3!