CHARTER Mission Mission –To provide a well-functioning Leave of Absences opportunity to support the mission of Berea College. Burning platform Burning platform –Students returning from leave of absences are often “lost” in the shuffle and do not know how to get everything lined up for their return. Process Description Process Description –In the past, students taking a leave of absence were asked to return their computer and lost access to myBerea the system. Problem Statement Problem Statement – Students on leave should be treated more like ordinary students. They should keep their advisor, computer, and access to myBerea and . Sponsor Sponsor – Derrick Singleton Process Owner Process Owner – Scott Steele Team Lead Team Lead – Scott Steele Facilitator Facilitator – Scott Steele Team Gus Gerassimides, Sara Corrnet Team – Scott Steele, Curtis Sandberg, Chris Lakes, Wanda Burch, Gus Gerassimides, Sara Corrnet
SIPOC Suppliers Inputs Process Outputs Customers Students Faculty Staff Financial Aid Enrollment Policies Committee Reports Letters Good Outcomes Information LOA Policy Process of Granting Limited tracking Assumptions Regarding Student Return Requests for LOA Signatures Forms Policy Documentation Students Advisors Student Life Instructors Labor Supervisor Office of Academic Services Other Staff Campus Christian Center Student Labor Health/Cou nseling Tech Resource Center
HIGH LEVEL LOA PROCESS Student Status Changes Decision is Made Data is entered In Banner Student Returns to Campus Possibility of LOA Emerges Advisor and Class Assignment Paper work is completed From Student From Faculty or Staff
Strengths Weaknesses Threats Opportunities SWOT Profile Opportunity for Leave of Absence Data Systems Thoughtful Decision Process Clear Policy Lack of Standard Work Lack of Tracking System Information is located on paper or in the minds of personnel not in data-base Lack of Understanding of Whole Process Busy people Improve Service Improved Data Management
GAP ANALYSIS OPPORTUNITIES AND PRIORITIES Leave of Absence provides a needed opportunity for a small group of Berea College students. However LOA can be somewhat cumbersome to navigate as a student and time-consuming to administrate. Leave of Absence provides a needed opportunity for a small group of Berea College students. However LOA can be somewhat cumbersome to navigate as a student and time-consuming to administrate. Opportunities exist to: Opportunities exist to: Simplify and clarify Simplify and clarify Reduce errors Reduce errors Increase information exchange Increase information exchange Ease transition for returning students Ease transition for returning students Priorities Priorities Enhance student experience Enhance student experience Reduce time dedicated to administrating LOA Reduce time dedicated to administrating LOA
THE VALUE OF 5 WHYS During the value mapping the “5 whys” were often implemented. Most fundamentally the “5 whys” helped the stake holders determine that a subtle change in policy led to the possible simplification of “exist” and “entry” procedures for LOA students. Change of assumption: From—students on LOA may or may not return. To—students on LOA will return. Results: Modified LOA Clearance Form (LOA students do not need to follow all the steps of students withdrawing; saves student administration time). Modified LOA Clearance Form (LOA students do not need to follow all the steps of students withdrawing; saves student administration time). Modified Approval Letter Modified Approval Letter Change of processes Change of processes Reduction in time in processing of LOA [one hour per LOA saved] Reduction in time in processing of LOA [one hour per LOA saved] Hoped for result—greater percentage of students returning from LOA. Hoped for result—greater percentage of students returning from LOA.
BANNER PROCESSING CHANGES SFAREGS – Enter B#, make sure that the current term is entered, ctrl page down, when the students status reads “EL” go to record and select remove, save. (If message comes up displaying holds and cannot register, before you can page down you must type “ovr” in the holds field and then proceed with the preceding steps.) SFAREGS – Enter B#, make sure that the current term is entered, ctrl page down, when the students status reads “EL” go to record and select remove, save. (If message comes up displaying holds and cannot register, before you can page down you must type “ovr” in the holds field and then proceed with the preceding steps.) SGASTDN (status screen) – Take term out, ctrl page down, duplicate record, enter current term, select reason (ex. GR, FC, etc.), save. Go to comments tab, enter current term, type in verbatim format (WITHDRAWAL, double space, yymmdd ((ex )), double space, REASON= single space, reason code ((ex. LF)), save (f10). SGASTDN (status screen) – Take term out, ctrl page down, duplicate record, enter current term, select reason (ex. GR, FC, etc.), save. Go to comments tab, enter current term, type in verbatim format (WITHDRAWAL, double space, yymmdd ((ex )), double space, REASON= single space, reason code ((ex. LF)), save (f10). SPAIDEN – Go to address tab (make sure to display CO address), enter end date, save. SPAIDEN – Go to address tab (make sure to display CO address), enter end date, save. SGAADVR – In the top right term field you would enter the following term from the student’s withdrawal (ex. if the withdrawal is for , enter ), ctrl page down, select maintenance and select end advisor, save. SGAADVR – In the top right term field you would enter the following term from the student’s withdrawal (ex. if the withdrawal is for , enter ), ctrl page down, select maintenance and select end advisor, save. SPAAPIN – make sure that current term for which the LOA is requested is changed back in the top right term field, ctrl page down, remove record, save. SPAAPIN – make sure that current term for which the LOA is requested is changed back in the top right term field, ctrl page down, remove record, save. GOATPAD – ctrl page down, check disabled for the pin, save. GOATPAD – ctrl page down, check disabled for the pin, save. Student PIN is no longer disabled facilitating return to regular status The advising relationship will no longer be broken. This eliminates the need to reestablish advising relationship and improves communication between Advisor and Advisee in preparation for return.
APPROVAL LETTER CHANGES Non-value added. There was little to no reason to change/modify student access to information technology systems.
SUBTLE POLICY ADJUSTMENT Submitted to Technology Resource Center – Submitted to Technology Resource Center – In previous semesters when a student has taken a Leave of Absence we have removed their access to myBerea and required that they return their laptop computer, the same as we do for student who officially withdraw from the college. In previous semesters when a student has taken a Leave of Absence we have removed their access to myBerea and required that they return their laptop computer, the same as we do for student who officially withdraw from the college. At the beginning of the spring semester, when a student is approved for a Leave of Absence from the College we would like for them to retain access to their myBerea account, and have the option of keeping their laptop during their Leave of Absence. This change supports other policy shifts we are making in how we treat students on Leave, such as communicating with them through while they are away, and allowing them to register for the next term’s classes during the regular open registration period while they are on leave. At the beginning of the spring semester, when a student is approved for a Leave of Absence from the College we would like for them to retain access to their myBerea account, and have the option of keeping their laptop during their Leave of Absence. This change supports other policy shifts we are making in how we treat students on Leave, such as communicating with them through while they are away, and allowing them to register for the next term’s classes during the regular open registration period while they are on leave.
CONCLUSIONS Asking “5 whys” helps lead to an alternative operating assumption allow the reduction of steps to process and lead time. Approximately one hour of time is likely to be saved on each LOA. Approximately one hour of time is likely to be saved on each LOA. Approximately 6 steps are removed from a process that has approximately 30 steps. Approximately 6 steps are removed from a process that has approximately 30 steps. Saved Steps: Saved Steps: Compute turn in— Compute turn in— Break Advisor relationship Break Advisor relationship Reestablish Advisor relationship Reestablish Advisor relationship Initiate the step Initiate the step Find an advisor Find an advisor Ending of Banner PIN Ending of Banner PIN Reestablishing Banner PIN Reestablishing Banner PIN Administrative involvement in registration (students will complete on their own) Administrative involvement in registration (students will complete on their own)