Mike Bluff’s Field trip By Quinn Zak
Mike Bluff’s Field Trip by Quinn Zak
My name is Mike Bluff and I’m going on a field trip today. We are going on a four day trip to the planetarium. The planetarium is in Rochester, New York. MR.T., our teacher, is paying for most of our trip.
My friend convinced me to go. I didn’t want to go, but the idea of being away from school for four days was YIKES--- take me there!
The bus ride was long. I felt like I was on the bus for three years, but it was only three hours.
Finally, we reach Rochester and we get to our hotel and go to our rooms. MR. T. tells us, “Lights out at ten and no horseplay!”
The next morning, MR. T gets us up to go the planetarium. We get on the bus, and we are so excited.
We reach the planetarium and get off the bus. We see the tour guide and as we are touring the planetarium, the guide explains, “The Hubble Space telescope is a space telescope that was carried into orbit by a space shuttle in 1990, but the Hubble Space Telescope is broken.”
This telescope has taken beautiful pictures of deep space. Our friend, Bob, was especially sad because he wanted to see what the Hubble Telescope had discovered.
Next, we went to the “Mysteries of the dark universe” Star Show. We saw the Milky Way Galaxy and many stars in this theater.
A lot of us wanted to go to the Holiday Laser show. MR.T said, “You have to choose which shows because we don’t have much time left.” My friends and I chose the laser show because we would be hearing holiday music and seeing a laser show.
Four days went by quickly for all of us. When I got home, I told my mother how much fun I had on the field trip.
Author's Page Quinn Zak is a sophomore at the Lawrence County Career and Technical Center. Quinn is enrolled in the construction trades program, and he is from the New Castle Area School District.