CALL Centre Key statutes policy & strategy Steering Group: 30th January 2004.


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Presentation transcript:

CALL Centre Key statutes policy & strategy Steering Group: 30th January 2004

CALL’s work & the policy environment To look at some of the CALL Centre work in the context of the wider policy environment CALL objectives: – Assessment & support – Information & training – Loans & technical services – Research & development in SEN & ICT The policy environment – Legislation – Policy & strateg y

Legislation Legislation relevant to education: ICT & SEN a) Education (Scotland) Act 1980 b) Data Protection Act 1998 c) Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002 d) Disability Discrimination Act 1995 e) Special Educational Needs and Disability Act 2001 f) Standards in Scotland’s Schools etc. Act 2000 g) Education (Disability Strategies and Pupils’ Educational Records) (Scotland) Act 2002 h) Additional Support for Learning (Scotland) Bill

Legislation & public policy Policy & strategy relevant to education: ICT & SEN  Improving our Schools – Special Educational Needs (The Scottish Executive Response to the Report of the Advisory Committee on the Education of Children with Severe Low Incidence Disabilities)  National Priorities in Education  How Good is our School  Manual of Good Practice  5-14 Assessment & Testing  For Scotland’s Children  Review of Therapies  McCrone and Continuing Professional Development

Data Protection Act 1998 Right to know what information held about you Inaccurate information must be corrected Enforceable data protection principles CALL work: – Mostly relevant to procedures in CALL e.g. mailing lists, passwording

Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002 Right of access to information held by Scottish public authorities Information provided in applicant’s preferred format CALL work: – Examples include preparing graphic resources, pictures & symbols, NOF training – Advice on adapting information resources

DDA 1995 Part IV SEN & Disability Act 2001 Prevent discrimination because of disability in education Mustn’t treat disabled learners less favourably Reasonable adjustments to avoid disadvantage Doesn’t apply to auxiliary aids and services nor to the removal of physical barriers CALL work: – DRC Code of Practice case studies – Training courses to education senior and middle management – All assessment work considers DDA & SENDA 2001 – NOF

Standards in Scotland’s Schools Act 2000 New principles – right to receive school education – purpose of education: promote development of personality, talents & mental & physical abilities – education authorities must have regard to the views of children and young people – presumption of mainstream placement, unless CALL work: – Response to consultation – Facilitation meetings – SEED SEN Innovation project – Embedded in assessment & support work

Education (Disability Strategies and Pupils’ Educational Records) (Scotland) Act 2002 Duties in line with DDA and following SENDA 2001 – strategy to improve access to physical environment, curriculum, communication and information with disabled pupils (Accessibility Strategies). – duty on LAs, independent and grant-aided schools – first written accessibility strategies by April 2003 CALL work: – Consultation phase: Accessibility guidance re. ICT, access to alternative information, communication and curriculum – Courses to LA staff both at CALL and in LA – Several LAs consulted CALL on draft access strategies

Education (Additional Support for Learning) (Scotland) Bill 2003 Replaces the term “special educational needs” with “additional support needs” (ASN), covering other needs. Summary of provisions: – identify and address ASN – consider if child needs Coordinated Support Plan (CSP) – CSPs only if long-term multiple or complex factors where other agency involvement – Respond to assessment requests – End to Future Needs Assessment – Code of Practice – Independent mediation, dispute resolution, appeals / ASN Tribunal

ASL Bill 2003 (contd.) CALL implementation: – Responded to consultation documents at all phases – Attended facilitation meetings – Information through New in CALL – Presented key information on changes to LA personnel – Through partner agency (Sense Scotland): Responded to request for written evidence from Scottish Parliament Education Committee Gave oral evidence to Education Committee Responded to requests for additional information form MSPs Responded to Education Committee Stage 1 report Liaison with other partner agencies Will submit amendments

Children (Scotland) Act 1995 Now the principal Act for children’s services Fulfils Government obligations on implementing the UN Convention of the rights of the child and the European Convention on human rights Based on important principles: – welfare of child is paramount – children’s views to be sought and taken into account – child’s religion, racial origin and cultural and linguistic background given due regard when providing services CALL work: – SEED SEN Innovation grants on Listening to and consulting children: partner agency (Sense Scotland) as grant-holder

Public Policy: National Priorities Five priorities: – Achievement and Attainment – Framework for Learning – Inclusion and Equality – Values and Citizenship – Learning for Life CALL work: – Worked in all forms of inclusion settings since 1982 – Focus on IEPs within assessment reports – Supportive writing methods and practices – SEN & Inclusion conferences; courses – Joint agency working practices

Public Policy: 5-14 Assessment & Testing Reviewing future of assessment & testing Has to reflect DDA, SENDA & Accessibility CALL work: – Partner agencies: SQA, NABs, LTS – ICT & SEN module – ICTSLS partnership – Focus on IEPs and 5-14 – Courses on supportive writing arrangements