Ensuring Transfer Success 2013


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Presentation transcript:

Ensuring Transfer Success 2013 Evaluation Detectives: How UC Reviews Challenging Academic Records

Ensuring Transfer Success 2013 Overview Evaluation Review Process – using a Sample Admission Application Other Challenging Evaluation Areas Advising International Students Resources Bonus Features •Former UC students •Resources for Advising International Students

Ensuring Transfer Success 2013 Sample Application A walk-through a sample admission application reviewing: Challenging Evaluation Areas Summary Totals Campus Selection Decision  

Ensuring Transfer Success 2013 Sample Application - Evaluation

Sample Application - Evaluation Ensuring Transfer Success 2013 Sample Application - Evaluation

Sample Application Summary Ensuring Transfer Success 2013 Sample Application Summary Biological Science Applicant 64 sem/96 qtr units – excluding exam credit 3.31 GPA Major Prep - one year each of: Chemistry Biology Calculus Organic chemistry Comprehensive Review Factors

Sample Application Possible Selection Decision Ensuring Transfer Success 2013 Sample Application Possible Selection Decision NOTE: Because campus/program enrollment goals, strength of applicant pool, and/or gpa requirements vary from year to year, the decision outcome might be different for a similar applicant profile from year to year. UCB: Deny - Low overall GPA UCD: Deny - 2.50 required in the General Chemistry series UCI: Maybe UCLA: Deny - Low overall GPA. UCM: Admit – Meets all selection criteria UCR: Admit – Meets all selection criteria UCSB: Admit – Meets all selection criteria UCSC: Admit – Meets all selection criteria UCSD: Maybe – Missing GPA requirement, possible waitlist

Ensuring Transfer Success 2013 QUESTIONS

Language of Instruction Ensuring Transfer Success 2013 Language of Instruction School Name/ Location School Code Type Begin/End Dates Diploma Language of Instruction CECyTEJ High School 999999 Pub HS 08/2005 - 05/2008 HS Diploma 05/2008 Spanish College Name/ Location College Code Type Begin/End Dates Language of Instruction Los Angeles Southwest CC 4409 Pub/2yr 02/2010-06/2013 English Insert col/univ name Insert Term Course Title Units Grade LA Southwest Spring 2011 Elementary Spanish 1 5 A

Gap in Education History Ensuring Transfer Success 2013 Gap in Education History Term College Attended Reason Fall 2008 SANTA MONICA COLLEGE Spring 2009 None Reported Moved to Mexico for personal reasons. Summer 2009 Not Enrolled Fall 2009 Spring 2010 Summer 2010 Fall 2010 Spring 2011 Summer 2011 Fall 2011 Spring 2012 Summer 2012

Importance of TCA Footnotes Ensuring Transfer Success 2013 Importance of TCA Footnotes Footnotes on the UC Transfer Course Agreement (TCA) provide very helpful information to ensure students will receive transfer credit for courses completed; and they are not short of units to meet minimum UC transfer requirements.

Ensuring Transfer Success 2013

Limitations on Course Series Ensuring Transfer Success 2013 Limitations on Course Series Norco College Dept. Name Course # Course Title Units PHYS 2A General Physics, I 4 2B General Physics, II Norco College Dept. Name Course # Course Title Units PHYS 4A Mechanics 4 4B Electricity & Magnetism 4C Heat, Light & Waves

Unit Limitations on Courses Ensuring Transfer Success 2013 Unit Limitations on Courses The Transfer Course Agreement (TCA) for Glendale Community College, lists footnotes about the following three courses: * Maximum credit allowed for 101 if taken after 105 or SOC S 132 - one unit o No credit for 105 if taken after 101 or SOC S 132 * Maximum credit allowed for 132 if taken after POL S 101 or 105 - two units How many units of credit would be awarded? Glendale Comm Col Dept. Course # Course Title Units POL S 101 Introduction to Government 3 105 American Political Ideals 2 SOC S 132 Introduction to Social Science 4

Unit Limitations on Courses Ensuring Transfer Success 2013 Unit Limitations on Courses The TCA for College of the Sequoias has a limitation on Chemistry courses: * 1,2,20,21 and 30 combined: maximum credit, 2 courses College of the Sequoias Dept. Name Course # Course Title Units CHEM 1 General Chemistry 1 5 2 General Chemistry 2 20 Introduction to General Chemistry 4 21 Organic & Biological Chemistry 30 General & Biological Chemistry

Ensuring Transfer Success 2013 QUESTIONS

Lower Level After Advance Level Course Ensuring Transfer Success 2013 Lower Level After Advance Level Course Credit will not be awarded for an introductory course after completion of a more advanced level course in the same subject area. ==== Physics ==== PHYS 2A General Physics I (W/Lab) PHYS 3A Science and Engineering (W/Lab) *PHYS 10 Introduction to Physics 4 (W/Lab) * No credit for 10 if taken after 2A or 3A Credit will not be awarded for a lower level course after completion of a more advanced level course in the same subject area. ====Math=== Math 3A Calculus I Math 3B Calculus II Math 3C Calculus III No credit for 3A if taken after 3B or 3C No credit for 3B if taken after 3C

Pass Credit Unit Limitation Ensuring Transfer Success 2013 Pass Credit Unit Limitation No more than 14 semester (21 quarter) units may be taken Pass/Not Pass 7-course pattern may be taken P/NP as long as a P grade is equivalent to C or better IGETC courses may be taken P/NP as long as a P grade is equivalent to C or better Major prerequisites should be taken for letter grades – more information may be found in ASSIST Exceptions are made for institutions that only award P/NP grades

Ensuring Transfer Success 2013 Incomplete Grade UC checks the academic policy of the institution to determine how to calculate an incomplete grade. An incomplete grade may lapse after one academic year or after only one term. Evaluators will also check the Comment Box on the Transfer Academic Update (TAU) and/or contact the student directly.

How does UC View An “I” Grade? Ensuring Transfer Success 2013 How does UC View An “I” Grade? UC views incomplete grades either neutrally or will convert to an “F” – depending upon the timeline of the institution. An “I” grade at the University of Iowa becomes an “F” if it is not completed by the end of the next regular (fall/spring) term: At Hartnell College, the Incomplete grade policy is the same as Iowa’s. Univ of Iowa Dept Name Fall 2010 Course # Course Title Units Grade Art History 1060 Themes in Global Art 4 I Hartnell Col Dept Name Spring 2012 Course # Course Title Units Grade Philosophy 2 Intro to Philosophy 3 I

Transfer Academic Update Ensuring Transfer Success 2013 Transfer Academic Update Students receive information about the online Transfer Academic Update when they receive their emailed application acknowledgment. Some campuses/majors may require additional forms. The submission deadline is January 31st. www.universityofcalifornia.edu/admissions/how-to-apply/after-you-apply/update-transfer-application/

Transfer Academic Update Ensuring Transfer Success 2013 Transfer Academic Update What Happens if the TAU is NOT Submitted? Priority deadline is January 31st Campuses review through March but there is no guarantee late submissions and/or changes will be reviewed.

Ensuring Transfer Success 2013 QUESTIONS

Ensuring Transfer Success 2013 Effective Fall 2014 Lower Division Unit Maximum Limitation Students will be granted up to 70 sem/105 qtr units of credit for lower division coursework completed at any institution or any combination of institutions. For lower division units beyond the maximum, subject credit for appropriate coursework taken in excess of this unit limitation will be granted and may be used to satisfy requirements.   • Units earned through: AP, IB, and/or A-Level examinations are not included in the limitation and do not put applicants at risk of being denied admission. •Lower or upper division units earned at UC (Extension, summer, cross/concurrent, UC-EAP, and regular academic year enrollment) are added to the maximum lower division transfer credit allowed and might put applicants at risk of being denied admission due to excessive units.

High-Unit Transfers Junior or Senior Standing Ensuring Transfer Success 2013 High-Unit Transfers Junior or Senior Standing High-Unit Junior has 80-89 sem units Senior has 90 or more sem units Which UC campuses admit high-unit juniors and/or seniors?   How does UC calculate unit accumulation to determine if an applicant would be a high-unit junior or at senior standing?  What is the maximum number units allowed for a student to still be considered for admission selection? What number of units changes the students status from junior to senior standing?

High-Unit Transfers: Determination of Junior or Senior Standing? Ensuring Transfer Success 2013 High-Unit Transfers: Determination of Junior or Senior Standing? Campus How many units makes an applicant a high-unit junior or senior? (Combination of lower division + upper division units & UC units) Admits High-Unit Jrs or Srs? Berkeley 90 sem/135 qtr units or more Jrs: Some Srs: Some Davis 80 sem/120 qtr units or more--requires Deans Review Irvine Los Angeles 86.6 sem/130 qtr units or more Jrs: No Srs: No Merced Riverside 90 sem/135 qtr units or more--requires Deans Review San Diego Jrs: Yes Santa Barbara *Col of Creative Studies will review seniors on case-by-case basis Srs: No* Santa Cruz High-Unit Jr: 80-89 sem units Senior: 90 or more sem units Effective Fall 2014 All lower division units, whether from a 2-year and/or 4-year college/university are limited to a maximum of 70 sem/105 qtr units toward the UC degree. Exam units (AP/IB/A-Level) are not included in the limitation and do not put applicants at risk of being denied admission. All UC units (Extension, summer, cross/concurrent, UC-EAP, and regular matriculation) are added to the maximum lower division transfer credit and might put applicants at risk of being denied due to excess units.

Ensuring Transfer Success 2013 QUESTIONS

Advising Students with International Records Ensuring Transfer Success 2013 Advising Students with International Records UC awards transfer credit for college courses completed at any university recognized by Ministry of Education. UC does not accept transcript/course evaluations conducted by evaluation agencies. International coursework may not be used to fulfill IGETC (except for language other than English). UC does not award transfer credit for lower-division language courses if the course is in the same language as the student’s language of instruction.

Advising Students with International Records Ensuring Transfer Success 2013 Advising Students with International Records Have course descriptions available for appropriate course placement. Do not “repeat” course work in which you had previously earned C or better grades. Do not enroll in lower-level courses if you have already completed a higher-level course in the subject area.

Advising Students with International Records Ensuring Transfer Success 2013 Advising Students with International Records UC does not accept English courses from international institutions where the language of instruction is not English. Advise students to complete the UC English requirement as early as possible. International students may not need to complete UC’s American History and Institutions graduation requirement.

Advising Students with International Records Ensuring Transfer Success 2013 Advising Students with International Records Become acquainted with a UC International Specialist Although campuses generally cannot provide a pre-evaluation, they are a great resource for answers to your questions. International Specialists apply the same evaluation guidelines used for domestic coursework. International Specialists use course descriptions and consult faculty as necessary.

Ensuring Transfer Success 2013 QUESTIONS

Ensuring Transfer Success 2013 Resources admission.universityofcalifornia.edu/transfer/ Guides for Counselors : http://preview.tinyurl.com/UC-Counselors-Guides UC Statement of Transfer Credit Practices: http://tinyurl.com/UC- UC Transfer Matrix: http://tinyurl.com/UC-Transfer-Matrix UC Transfer Admission Planner (TAP): http://tinyurl.com/UC-TAP UC Transfer Admission Guarantee (TAG): http://tinyurl.com/UC-TAG UC Transfer Admission Guarantee (TAG) Matrix: http://tinyurl.com/UC-TAG-Matrix UC Statement of Transfer Credit Practices: http://tinyurl.com/UC-

Ensuring Transfer Success 2013 THANK YOU Submit Future Questions to AskUC@ucop.edu

Ensuring Transfer Success 2013 BONUS FEATURE Advising Former UC Students Because we are aware that students who were previously enrolled at UC enroll at a CCC, we wanted to provide you with a few tips!

Former UC Student at a CCC Ensuring Transfer Success 2013 Former UC Student at a CCC CCC Advisors Should Always Ask: What was the student’s Academic Standing at UC? What is the student’s goal – return to same UC campus or transfer to a different UC campus? Also Determine if the student has already met UC’s Entry Level Writing Requirement Determine if IGETC is appropriate for a specific student

Former UC Student On Academic Probation at UC Ensuring Transfer Success 2013 Former UC Student On Academic Probation at UC TAU Question: Are you now or have you ever been on academic probation at UC? If yes, is the desire to Return to the former UC campus? Transfer to a different UC campus? College/University P/PN Units UC Transferable Units Grade Points GPA UC Santa Cruz 4.0 36.0 71.3 1.98 San Jose City Col 0.0 24.0 96.0 4.00 Cumulative Totals 60 + 4 P = 64 167.3 2.78

Former UC Student Satisfying UC’s ELWR Ensuring Transfer Success 2013 Former UC Student Satisfying UC’s ELWR The Transfer Academic Update asks if the student has met the Entry Level Writing Requirement prior to leaving UC. If ELWR is completed then there is nothing further to do If ELWR is incomplete and the student is returning to same UC campus the requirement must be completed at that UC campus If ELWR is incomplete and the student is transferring to different UC campus the requirement can be completed at the community college

Former UC Student Completing IGETC Ensuring Transfer Success 2013 Former UC Student Completing IGETC Transferring to a different UC Campus IGETC is acceptable but may not be necessary; depending on the major Returning to the same UC Campus IGETC is not acceptable

Ensuring Transfer Success 2013 BONUS FEATURE Resources for Advising International Students

Online Resources For Understanding International Records Ensuring Transfer Success 2013 Online Resources For Understanding International Records AACRAO: aacraoedge.aacrao.org (need subscription to access) Educational Credential Evaluators, Inc. (ECE): www.ece.org International Association of Universities – World Higher Ed Database: www.iau-aiu.net/content/he-systems (free) International Education Research Foundation (IERF): www.ierf.org (credentials evaluation service) International directory for Ministry of Education websites: www.chea.org/intdb/international_directory.asp (you must agree to the waiver) NAFSA: www.nafsa.org World Education Services: www.wes.org/ewenr

Resources - Publications Ensuring Transfer Success 2013 Resources - Publications The New Country Index (Volume II): Making Sense of International Credentials www.ierf.org/index.php/institutions/country_index_vol_ii/ American Association of Collegiate Registrars and Admissions Officers (AACRAO) International Guide: A Resource for International Education Professionals Country Series & PIER/World Education Series www.aacrao.org/publications/publications_catalog/publications_catalog_international_education.aspx Online Guide to Educational Systems Around the World (website use is free; for credentials before 1999, order CD of information) www.nafsa.org/publication.sec/epublications/online_guide_to/ International Handbook of Universities, The International Association of Universities (IAU) www.iau-aiu.net/content/reference-publications