Labs, Activities and Projects for Earth Science
I am thirsty but I don’t have a cup! Follow the directions to make a usable cup!
Easy Earth Science Labs, Activities and Projects Moon Lollipop Moon Lollipop Moon Lollipop Moon Lollipop Garbology Garbology Garbology Mighty Mineral Project Mighty Mineral Project Mighty Mineral Project Mighty Mineral Project Geologic Time Brochure Geologic Time Brochure Geologic Time Brochure Geologic Time Brochure Weather Book Project Weather Book Project Weather Book Project Weather Book Project Children’s Story Children’s Story Children’s Story Children’s Story Earth’s Layers Lab Earth’s Layers Lab Earth’s Layers Lab Earth’s Layers Lab Hail Lab Hail Lab Hail Lab Hail Lab Ice Cream Lab Ice Cream Lab Ice Cream Lab Ice Cream Lab Ride The Rock Cycle Ride The Rock Cycle Ride The Rock Cycle Ride The Rock Cycle
How to Make Hail Get a plastic container Fill the container with ice and add 2 teaspoons of salt (regular or ice cream salt) Fill a test tube ¾ full with water. Stir test tube in ice mixture for 6 minutes Take test tube out of ice mixture and immediately drop a small piece of ice. Test tube will start turning into ice crystals (feathering) Be patient it may take a minute or so. If it doesn’t work add it back to ice mixture for 5 more minutes
Making Ice Cream 1/2 cup whole milk 1/4 cup sugar 1/4 teaspoon vanilla 1/2 to 3/4 cup sodium chloride (NaCl) as table salt or rock salt 2 cups ice 1-quart FREEZER Ziploc or Glad bag 1-gallon FREEZER Ziploc or bag measuring cups and spoons Timer or clock Towels and or paper towels cups and spoons for eating your treat! NO ZIPPER BAGS OR STORE BRANDS
Directions for ice cream Add 1/2 cup whole milk 1/4 cup sugar 1/4 teaspoon vanilla To the small ziploc bag zip bag Add 2 cups of ice rock salt To the large ziploc bag zip bag Put small bag inside large bag and shake for 10 minutes. Ice cream will be solid. If it is not solid after 10 minutes continue to shake until it becomes solid (soft serve consistency). Some students may want to wrap their bags inside a towel because the bag will get COLD Enjoy ice cream